Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

  • It is my belief that the criminal justice system in Canada is overtly lenient, and needs to be reformed with strengthened punishment for violent crimes. Though Canada has a relatively low crime rate, even in comparison among OECD member states, the Canadian criminal justice systems have shown multiple short-comings in serving justice, and imposing social segregation for violent criminals in past cases. (Matthew de Grood, Matthew Raymond, and Vincent Li.) Since violent criminals should not be expected to re-integrate into society, the criminal justice system must be made stronger.
  • I am often very fond of constructing my own beliefs, and finding evidences to support them. Having been involved in numerous activities involving debates, and political discussion throughout my years in high school, I’ve learned not only to support my beliefs with reasonable evidences, but to also respect the opinions of others, and to consider them with genuine mind as well.

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