Reflection: Digital Literacy Project / Eng 9

I enjoyed writing about the views of professional political philosophers on the difference of Democracy, and freedom. I was also quite relieved by the fact that I was not the only one with negetive sentiments on Democracy, and is more pleased with freedom and republican ideas.

The most difficult part of this unit for me was finding suitable sources that has informations that I needed to back up my statements stated in the paper. Other than that, it was quite fine.

I would like to encourage others to put their maximum effort and given time into this unit, for it is quite valuable for them, and can become quite a fun project if gained interest in.

There are several things I’ve learned during this unit, but the biggest, and the most important thing must be the fact that I’ve learned that I should be more proud and confident on my views oo politics, and must not be ashamed to show it.

I would like it even more if we were given more broader topics to choose from, other than just “Respect”. Other than this, this was a very fun project.


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