Jazz/Concert 2022~2023 Year End Concert Reflection

Over the course of this year, my overall musical expertise and experience have increased. Through practicing and performing as a group with my friends with whom I have known for at least 3 years, I have not only gained experience, but I have also earned skills to effectively communicate and coordinate a group to get things done. 

The new focus of my 2022~2023 year band career was participating in stage crew, stage technician, and sound engineering activities. This has allowed me to understand the preparations and struggle that goes into making a show worth listening to. Starting from setting up the stage with equipments to make the performance possible, to positioning lights and speakers to maximize the quality of the performance, this year has allotted me plenty of opportunities to gain valuable experience in the fields of performance. The best part of being able to participate in these activities was being able to do it with friends, which has added aspects of fun to these activities. 

Apart from these, I have also learned another set of lessons that came to me as more valuable as lessons in life, rather than as a musician. My ability to work in a group, rather than an individual has greatly improved over the years of being in the Centennial concert/jazz bands, and this came as a prize after days of mishaps, hardships and some major mistakes I’ve made in the past. I generally have made very good memories while being in the bands of Centennial, and having been able to meet and engage with the people of the bands.My times spent in the bands will surely remain to me for a long time as cherished memories. 

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

  • It is my belief that the criminal justice system in Canada is overtly lenient, and needs to be reformed with strengthened punishment for violent crimes. Though Canada has a relatively low crime rate, even in comparison among OECD member states, the Canadian criminal justice systems have shown multiple short-comings in serving justice, and imposing social segregation for violent criminals in past cases. (Matthew de Grood, Matthew Raymond, and Vincent Li.) Since violent criminals should not be expected to re-integrate into society, the criminal justice system must be made stronger.
  • I am often very fond of constructing my own beliefs, and finding evidences to support them. Having been involved in numerous activities involving debates, and political discussion throughout my years in high school, I’ve learned not only to support my beliefs with reasonable evidences, but to also respect the opinions of others, and to consider them with genuine mind as well.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

Instrumental, and Performance Techniques Employed During Ink Gallery Concert.

On 26th of May, 2022, my rock band had performed in the school theatre under the blessing of our music department staffs and seniors. On that day, my band members and I were engulfed within the sensation that we were creating a page in the school’s history as the first student rock band to perform as an official school event. Being the first sizeable performance since the formation of the band in mid-last year, preparation for this performance came as a special task of utmost importance. Due to this, ever since the decision was made to perform earlier during March, grueling rounds of daily practices followed until the very week of the performance.

The practices had eventually paid off, and the performance went through with no major issues or mistakes being caused. From this, not only were we reassured that constant, and honest practice always brings positive outcome in whatever field we are participating in, and no real excuses as to not practicing can be made, after having achieved the degree of skill and coordination that we’ve initially thought to have been quite unrealistic, through grueling, yet worthy practices. Apart from this, I also personally grew as a much more flexible musician, and to control my impulsive modifications of the original music, to maximize the harmony, as well as the volume of the band music. Some of the deeper details as to what specific skills I’ve manage to achieve, and lesson that I could take away from this experience, are as follows.

  1. Volume/Tone Control: After years of playing alone, or part of a larger, orchestral-scale bands that often compensates for some degree of tonal mistakes made from the bass (my personal instrument), I’ve finally managed to settle my struggle in refining my amp tones and volumes to achieve ideal sounds in a much more compact band. This was achieved through receiving and processing constant flow of input from the test audiences, and my band members.
  2. On-stage know-hows: I’ve realized that there are much more to band concerts than simply having musicians play their instruments in harmony to create a good sound. From on-stage positioning, equipment placements, amp projections, to wire organization, on-stage works were quite complicated, and difficult to pull off by our independent capacities. We eventually received thorough help from our seniors and teachers, who’ve given us parts of their time to help us perform.
  3. On-stage performance, and a bit of showmanship: Reviewing the concert clips, I’ve found myself barely making any significant motion throughout the performance, making my portion of the stage feel quite dull, and motionless. I’ve realized that at times, musicians must also work on growing their showmanship skills on the stage to truly intrigue the interests of the crowd.

American Revolution Timeline

  • I am quite confident that the sources I have used are credible, since these are very well known websites that are actively being used by both the teachers and the students as reliable sources for information, such as History.com, or American Battlefield Trust.
  • I chose to use Canva as my basis program for this project for many reasons, but mainly due to its convenience when it comes to time comsumption and its simplicity.
  • I am quite satisfied with the end result of my project. I think the overall design didn’t even come out that bad either.
  • I think I’ll be able to improve the quality of my project in the future by simply concerting more efforts and time into it. I did do my best to make my project look nice and straight-forward, but I think I could a bit better.

Reflection: Digital Literacy Project / Eng 9

I enjoyed writing about the views of professional political philosophers on the difference of Democracy, and freedom. I was also quite relieved by the fact that I was not the only one with negetive sentiments on Democracy, and is more pleased with freedom and republican ideas.

The most difficult part of this unit for me was finding suitable sources that has informations that I needed to back up my statements stated in the paper. Other than that, it was quite fine.

I would like to encourage others to put their maximum effort and given time into this unit, for it is quite valuable for them, and can become quite a fun project if gained interest in.

There are several things I’ve learned during this unit, but the biggest, and the most important thing must be the fact that I’ve learned that I should be more proud and confident on my views oo politics, and must not be ashamed to show it.

I would like it even more if we were given more broader topics to choose from, other than just “Respect”. Other than this, this was a very fun project.

My Utopia City Project

My Utopian city Le’Parabore, is a city-state built upon the values of Freedom, Peace, Justice, Law, and Order. The state flag of Le’Parabore consists of colors such as Red, White, and Blue. These colors each represent Courage, Purity, and Justice. Le’Parabore’s economy depends heavily upon digital technology, and heavy machinery industry, which allowed it to become an extremely digitalized and technologically advanced city-state.

The federal law guarantees all citizens with freedom of speech, ideology, and political belief, unless it is used to threat the integrity and sovereignity of the state. The state minimizes its involvement into the citizens’ personal lives, by enforcing less-strict tax laws, and giving every legal citizens an opportunity to make their lives shine.

English 9 Tribute Costume Project

My tribute costume would consist of a long double-breasted coat, white ski pants, black dress shoes and leather gloves. There will be a brown leather belt going around my waist over my coat, and it will also have two small pouches with first-aid supplies inside. The reason why I chose this costume is mainly because I like long coats in general, and I also like clothes that cover most of the body. I also put a red beret on my head, since I wanted to find something that would fit this fashion, and this turned out to be the best option.

My personality matched the costume quite well. I like coats that covers almost down below my knees, since I like to stay nice and warm at all times. That is why I usually stay inside when it is too cold outside, and pack myself up with bunch of thick layers of clothes when having to go out.

My tactics for surviving in the Hunger Games would be using guerilla tactics against other combatants while hiding out in the woods. I would hide either behind or on thick and large trees and avoid gathering attention from the other combatants.

My Favourite Quote

If you want peace, prepare for war.” -Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus

Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus was a ancient Roman military strategist who published ‘De Re Militari’. I always keep this quote in my mind and remind myself of it whenever I am in peace and comfort. Just so I can prepare for what may come next.

My Favourite Pictures

Euromaidan protester holding up a Ukrainian flag while the fight against the riot police intensifies. This picture was taken in the Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv during the most intense days of the protest.

I really liked this picture because it shows how desperate people were fighting for freedom, balance between the president and the parliament, and most importantly, closer relations with the Western countries. After the police special combat unit “Berkut” brutally beat the protesters and forced them to disperse, more and more citizens joined the fight for Ukraine’s freedom, and eventually achieved their goal for after 93 days of struggle. this picture was very powerful and inspiring.

Favourite YouTube Clip

My favourite YouTube video is a dispatch on one of my favourite current issue happening on this planet, the Ukrainian crisis. I’ve been into this issue for 4 years now, and Vice News’ dispatches on this crisis were just excellent. This video is just one example of more than 100 dispatched these brave reporters created while travelling around the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine. Even whilst being kidnapped by terrorists, getting caught in the middle of a firefight, having to get smuggled into a surrounded Ukrainian military base, these reporters, mainly Simon Ostrovsky always returns to cover this issue on the ground. By far, Vice news’ “Russian Roulette” dispatches were the most trustworthy, and dynamic reporting that was ever done in East Ukraine.