The Simpsons

My Analysis

Creating and Communicating

This unit helped me understand irony, satire and allusion better because I got to see examples of it while watching a show I enjoy. Mr. Cook pointing out examples during our viewing of The Simpsons really helped me understand the concept of each poetic device. I expressed my understanding of these three literary devices when I pointed out how they affect the success of The Simpsons.

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this portion of my essay, “The allusions that are snuck into the background and the foreground to give the audience a sense of familiarity.” For me the allusions make me feel more connected because of that sense of familiarity. Which is more inviting and makes me want to watch the show more compared to a show that doesn’t have allusions. This just shows how powerful allusions truly are within a show, movie or book.

Both The Simpsons and Family Guy use satire, irony and allusion a bunch within their shows. They use satire to poke fun at serious world issues however Family Guy is more extreme when doing this. Irony is used by both shows typically in the verbal or situational ways. These shows use so many allusions that they have even alluded each others shows to the point where there is actually cross over episodes.

I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as the section of my essay where I talk about how characters affect the success of The Simpsons. I thought about how diverse the characters are and how I feel when they are on the screen. I came to the conclusion that some reflect truth within me or an older version of myself. This is really what made me want to watch more. If this is what made me want to watch more why wouldn’t it make others want to watch more as well?


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