Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

I dealt with barely passing at the beginning of the semester. I started working with a friend who took the course last semester so I got my grade up. With the hard work I put in and determination I demonstrated, I was able to work my grade up to a 73. Hopefully after the chapter 8 test and the finals I’ll find my self in the mid to high 70s.

I was able to work with others when I decided to study with my friend who took the course last semester. they really helped me get on the right track after getting off to a rocky start. We decided to meet up every Wednesday at lunch and work on pre-calc. This has definitely paid off so far and as we are coming down the final stretch I hope the hard work continues to pay off.

I was committed to my individual practice when I had tests on difficult topics in this course. I would often work on extra practice sheets for a few days before the test as well as work from the workbook. I would also review the notes on the notes page so I would be familiar with the math terminology.

Advice For Future Students

I would suggest getting help early if you are struggling. Make sure you complete all the assigned work so you have a better chance of doing well in the course. I would also suggest doing the extra practice before tests and quizzes.


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