Facing A Challenge

The first time I did this problem I didn’t understand the question because I didn’t understand the subs teaching. The problem I had on my first attempt was that I didn’t simplify first before multiplying. I used Google image to do one of the problems you didn’t assign in that section and used the same strategy on this question. I needed to remember to simplify first before doing anything else. Next time I come across a problem that is difficult I will simplify before I try to start doing anything else.


1a. My inquiry question is “What is the best brownie recipe?” I did in fact change my question a few weeks ago as I had no real interest in my previous question. 

1b. There isn’t much I can work on at school and I don’t have as much time as I’d like to bake at home. But I have done some. 

1c. allrecipes.com has been my major resource for recipes, I think. 

1d. Well switching was a bit of a challenge that I overcame. The main challenge now is making time to bake and getting ingredients without going broke. 

1e. My thinking skills have gotten better because I planned out 2 projects now which both hypothetically should have been completed by the deadline. 

1f. I plan on making a PowerPoint. As of right now I’m likely to finish on time, I just need to catch up over spring break. 

1g. I definitely won’t be using this project towards my capstone. 

Core Competency Self Reflection

  1. I tend to be exteroceptive. I believe that I always want to be alert and know what’s going on so I find it hard to pay attention just to myself.
  2. Interoceptive meditation would be the best for my personal growth.
  3. I find box breathing is best for me when I meditate.
  4. I think a 2 second inhale and 5 second exhale is the best type of breathing to calm me down.

Live Saving Measures

My three takeaways from CPR and the naloxone presentation are… I learned that naloxone replaces the opioid cell in your brain. I also learned that if you give naloxone to someone who doesn’t need it, they will be completely fine. Because naloxone doesn’t negatively affect the body, it makes it safe to use even if you don’t need it. Finally, I learned that when someone wakes up from an overdose, they are likely to be violent and may even run away from you. I am more aware that no matter where I go, I may need to do CPR or give a naloxone shot to save someone’s life. Overdose and cardiac arrest can happen to anyone anywhere and I am able to help with the information I’ve learned this week.

Where the Blood Mixes Literary Pragraph

There are many examples that illustrate the character of Mooch. Mooch is clearly a complex character. To begin with, like his name suggests he is a “mooch.” When he went fishing with Floyd, he first took Floyd’s spot then he asked for a sandwich and a beer because he didn’t bring his own. Mooch does this so often that Floyd has gotten mad at him because “it’s always “I’ll buy the next one” and [he] never does.” Secondly, Mooch is a Residential School survivor. He turns to alcohol to cope with his horrific times in Residential School. Mooch spoke about what he had to go through while he was there. Because it was illegal and his parents would get in trouble, he “couldn’t run home” even though it was nearby. Which most people would find incredibly frustrating if they were forced to live at a school where they were treated horribly. Despite this, Mooch is a kind guy. When Ana and Floyd got in a fight he took “Christine to go find Ana” after she ran off. After she passed, he was still a great friend to Floyd especially in the times he needed him the most. Even though he mooches off of his loved ones he still cares a lot about them which was evident throughout the story. Mooch has had a hard life but he is surrounded by good people because of how kind he is.   

Core Competency Goals

I learn best by– I tend to learn best when I am working by myself because I can focus more. This year I’m going to try and work more by myself first before I try to work with others. I can do this by kindly telling my peers that I need to get my work done first before I help them.

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by– I often thank my peers and try to work on their criticisms but, I have gotten annoyed a few times and disregarded their criticism when I should have listened. So, my goal is to 100% of the time consider feedback and try to apply it to my work before I choose not to listen to it.

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination– Sometimes when I can’t focus while doing homework I go and practice basketball or baseball for a little bit then I come back and I’m able to get all my work done. This year I’m going to try and apply this more often when I can’t focus so I can be more successful in my studies which should translate to better grades.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

From the interview I learned how to act in a professional manner when in an interview for a job. I learned to not say “umm” when being interviewed as you can see from the reflection I did. I also learned how posture can affect your presence. If you are slouched you may come off as nervous and just not ready but being too up right will make it look like you are trying too hard somewhere in the middle is great, something that is comfortable but not slouched over. I am looking forward to my next interview so I can apply these skills I learned into getting a job.

The Simpsons

My Analysis

Creating and Communicating

This unit helped me understand irony, satire and allusion better because I got to see examples of it while watching a show I enjoy. Mr. Cook pointing out examples during our viewing of The Simpsons really helped me understand the concept of each poetic device. I expressed my understanding of these three literary devices when I pointed out how they affect the success of The Simpsons.

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this portion of my essay, “The allusions that are snuck into the background and the foreground to give the audience a sense of familiarity.” For me the allusions make me feel more connected because of that sense of familiarity. Which is more inviting and makes me want to watch the show more compared to a show that doesn’t have allusions. This just shows how powerful allusions truly are within a show, movie or book.

Both The Simpsons and Family Guy use satire, irony and allusion a bunch within their shows. They use satire to poke fun at serious world issues however Family Guy is more extreme when doing this. Irony is used by both shows typically in the verbal or situational ways. These shows use so many allusions that they have even alluded each others shows to the point where there is actually cross over episodes.

I compile and synthesize information to draw reasoned conclusions, such as the section of my essay where I talk about how characters affect the success of The Simpsons. I thought about how diverse the characters are and how I feel when they are on the screen. I came to the conclusion that some reflect truth within me or an older version of myself. This is really what made me want to watch more. If this is what made me want to watch more why wouldn’t it make others want to watch more as well?