Favourite Recipe

Mac ‘N’ Cheese

Making and Sharing Reflections

Making- Share progress while making to gather feedback. While making this recipe Ms. Bolli reminded us to take off our roux from the element while we were adding the milk. We listened and it prevented the milk solids from scorching and kept the white sauce light.

Sharing- Assess their ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively, including their ability to share and maintain an efficient co-operative workspace. During this lab I did my part as quick but thoroughly in order to be able to work with my partner better. While making the white sauce I stirred while my partner poured the milk. I always make sure that my station is clean before I go and sit down.

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… I’ll first ask my group then I’ll ask the group beside me. Finally, I’ll ask Ms. Bolli if none of us know the answer to my question.

The ways I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at ____ (soccer/ work/ hockey/ piano lessons/ family events/etc) in these ways: I don’t yell in the kitchen as I would at baseball or basketball. I communicate usually by saying “I can do this, can you do this?” instead of talking just about me like I do in baseball.

If the group is not productive, we can …. in order to get things moving in the right direction. We can re-assign the tasks for that lab to lean towards each members strengths. I could also ask them to focus at the task at hand more to get the job done.

My goal for next term is to really pay attention to how the group is working together. I know the group is working well together when I hear/ see… I chose this goal so I can be a better leader in the kitchen. I’ll achieve this by watching and listening more to how the group is working together.