My Parabola

Top: Parent Function Bottom: My equation

Paragraph About Parabolas And How They Connect To My Parabola

The “a” in the equation determines the way the parabola opens and how wide or narrow it is. If the “a” is negative it will open downwards and if it is positive it will open up. If a≥ 1 or a≤-1 the parabola will be narrow. In order for the parabola to be wide “a” must be > 1 and >0 or <0 and >-1. “h” determines how far left or right the vertex is. If it is negative in the equation it will be positive on the graph and vise versa. “k” determines how up or down the vertex is, up being positive, down being negative. Since my equations “a” is -4 the parabola opens down and is narrow. The “h” and “k” are 2 and 3 the vertex is (-2,3).


  1. When I stated my equation, showed a picture of the graph and explained how the graph would look would be examples of me representing the same mathematical idea in different ways.
  2. I used the ≤, ≥,< and > symbols to demonstrate my understanding of how big or small “a” is and how it will affect the parabola.
  3. I separated my paragraph and my self-assessment portion of this Edublog by adding headings. Further more I described what my pictures meant so it would be easier to understand what was going on.