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PHE 10 AH Reflection

My Artifact

I feel very stressed, anxious and tired this monday morning, almost like im dead. Im worried about failing one of my subjects.

Personal Heath and Wellness

My Physical and mental healthy lately has been going on a decline, I am having trouble with my academics and its causing me to be very stressed out. I have alot of overdue assignments from one of my classes which is overwhelming me, and causing me to lose a lot of sleep. I’m trying to deal with this problem by getting my work done one at a time, with the help of friends. My friends reduce my stress and help me keep focused while doing assignments. I also go to the gym to calm me down, it makes me feel happy, and improves my physical and mental health.

Core Competency Reflection

  • I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. In PHE class, when we are playing games that require teams, I share my insight on how my team, should be organized/positioned.
  • I understand that learning is continuous and my identity will continue to evolve. I always learn new things about PHE class, wether it be a new sport, new tactic, new rules, or new moves. When I’m playing a sport I’ve never played before I naturally learn new ways to improve myself as a player.
  • I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I always check if my team and the other team is playing by the rules, if they do something against game rules I make sure to point it out so the game continues to be played fairly.
  • I can identify my strengths and identify my potential. I know what my strengths and weaknesses are in sports and I put myself in positions where I’m best fit.

Published inCore CompetenciesGrade 10PHE 10Uncategorized

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