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Social Studies 10 Reflection

Cold War Project Self Assesment–10-44-MST00000D6YXmz/Student%20Work/Working%20files/076S-Cajandab,%20Jeros/Cold%20War%20project/Nato-Warsaw%20Pact%20CW.pptx?d=wa0b54d16cefd482a958a05c49b245f51&csf=1&web=1&e=4bcdFt

Core Competencies

  • I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. Most of the project was made based on my ideas, but I hit roadblocks on certain topics, and required other peoples ideas. Their ideas help me keep my project creative and informational.
  • I recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. Some topics on the Cold War project may be controversial, I understand that there will be different point of views on certain topics and I find it helpful to get more opinions so that I can expand my knowledge. I understand that I am not always right and can differ fact from opinion.
  • I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour. I respect my teacher and fellow classmates, and show inclusive behavior when they require my attention. When my classmates are presenting I make sure I’m paying attention as I know they put their effort in teaching me about their projects and I would want them to do the same to me.
  • I understand how my values shape my choices. At the start of the second semester, I was not doing too well at school because I valued my after school activities(Taekwondo and Leadership). I would put away my assignments and do it “later” knowing I will have no energy to do it when I get home. When I saw my grades decrease dramatically, I understood that I need to start changing my values and prioritize my studies. I am now doing better at school as I changed my priorities to putting more effort on my school work and making sure that I have plenty of energy to create a well made project. The Cold War project is an example of my effort in making a good project.


My goal for Social Studies and all other classes is to be a better listener, put more effort, and time into my learning. Because I was extremely unsatisfied with my work this year. I know that I can do better and just made the wrong choices that led to major consequences.

Published inCore CompetenciesGrade 10

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