Our Utopian City: The Synergy City

The Synergy City

We wanted to value people’s health, fitness, space, education, and families. This is shown by the buildings we made. We made a hospital for health, pool and outdoor gym for fitness, we built on the moon for space, built a school for education, and built small houses for families.  

Communication Reflection

The project is about the group’s important values and how we communicate with each other. We used Minecraft to present our values. We communicated on a group call. If anyone had an idea, we would let them speak and give them our feedback on their idea if it were good or not. I built the hospital and the houses. I also contributed on deciding what our values should be. We made sure to split up the building work so we would finish quickly. We would also give each other feedback If the buildings they made looked good. Working together was not a problem since everyone was on the same page when building our city. We used our time wisely planning on what we should be working on and to decide we would blurt out an idea and agree on it or disagree. Like we would ask each other if they could build something, and they would either agree or disagree if they were already building something. One problem we ran into was that the base was suddenly erased than we quickly started rebuilding the floor. It didn’t take that long because we knew what had to be done. I’m satisfied with what we built one thing I would have changed is building the family houses unique styles instead of one style.  

About Me

My Bio

Hi, my name is John and I’m looking forward to meeting new people and I want to befriend them. A subject I am currently enjoying is science but a subject I’m not a huge fan of is math. I learn best when I ask questions when I’m confused and I usually listen to music when I work on my homework. A few words that can describe me is that I’m outgoing, friendly and energetic. Some things I enjoy doing outside of school is hanging out with my friend group and playing video games with them. I also like listening to music a lot two artist I enjoy is Joji and Post Malone. I also enjoy watching movies with family and friends and I enjoy watching anime. My favorite colour is red because I think it looks cool and can fit with any other colour combination. 

My Favorite Website


I chose this link because its entertaining watching content creators. And when I’m trying to learn how to do a cool trick, I usually search it up on Google or YouTube. I also watched the content creators a lot when I was younger and they helped me shape me up to who I am today. 

My Favorite Video

I this video is one of Post Malone’s song from his recent album. I chose this because like I said in my bio, he’s one of my favorite artists. 

My Favorite Image

I chose this picture because its Palawan in the Philippines. I came here last spring break it was a blast swimming around the island and the clear water. I also enjoyed the breeze when i was on the boat going to the island.

My Favorite Quote

Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because the greatest lessons in life are learned through pain.


This quote is from an anime called Naruto Shipuden Pain is an antagonist in the anime. I chose this because in my opinion the greatest lessons are through pain because you may lose your best friend and be sad but you might meet someone that’s way better than them.


