Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Reflection

I get ideas when I use my five senses to explore or when I pursue my interests” I demonstrated this by listening to several songs which created ideas on how I can connect their lyrics to a disorder.

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way” I demonstrated this by being able to understand what the lyrics of the song is trying to explain. Then share the information in an organized way. By using a simple mind map template and making sure the sentences we easy to comprehend.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements” I demonstrated this by analyzing the song lyrics and choose which psychology perspective I should use to create a connection between them.

Research Assignment Reflection

The core competencies i demonstrated in this assignment was Communication. I worked well with others in the group achieving our goal of finishing the assignment. I was able to take responsibility and do my share by working on the writing portion of the assignment. Explaining our hypothesis, procedure, conclusion, etc. Also when we were brainstorming question ideas for our survey I encouraged everyone to share their ideas even if they were bad.