Where The Blood Mixes Paragraph

There are various events within the literature that explain the overall character of Mooch. Mooch is an interesting and complex individual. To start off, Mooch is a thief. This characteristic is shown when he mentions “stealing June’s money” to buy drinks at the bar. He takes June’s money without her permission even if he promises June, he will never do it again. Next, Mooch is a traumatized human being. Mooch’s experience in residential school was worse than others and left a bad impression on his mental well-being. It is mentioned that he will receive “higher compensation” than a majority of citizens living in the same community due to his awful experience. Lastly, Mooch is a person full of regret. When Anna died, Mooch watched her and couldn’t do anything about it. Mooch brings up standing with Christine, Anna’s daughter, and says that Anna “didn’t hesitate to jump off,” leaving Mooch with this longtime regret that he couldn’t save her. In conclusion, Mooch has gone through hard times and has had to live with his mental state for a long time. Even if these characteristics are a negative impact, he continues to brave through his struggles.


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