PHE 9 AH Reflection

PHE 9 AH Reflection

Part 1:

Potential StressorCoping Strategies I use
Too much school workListening to music or talking it out with somebody.
Unsure if its a one-sided friendship or notTalk to somebody about the situation or go out and doing something I enjoy. Also reflecting on certain topics helps me.

Part 2:

Whenever I got too much school work, it would feel as if I did something wrong and I would have to spend all my free time working on something I didn’t want to do. One of the many (and most reliable) ways I could be able to finish my work is to listen to music I enjoy and finish my work while listening to the music since it helps me calm down and focus on what I am doing. Friendships, for me, are sometimes hard to decipher, and whenever I can’t tell if somebody has a mutual friendship feeling for me I will tend to overthink the situation and become stressed. To solve my stress, I can always rely on talking to something or going out and doing something I feel will keep my mind off the whole situation for the time-being until I am ready to solve it.

Core Competency Reflection

  • I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it to.

I chose this because I have to think about what I will talk about with somebody before ranting about it. It helps me to gain ideas before I actually begin to talk to somebody.

  • I work to inform myself about issues surrounding me.

I chose those because I am aware of what is going on around me and what is causing me to feel stressed. This helps me to be aware and will help me to figure out how I can become less stressed or how to work towards becoming less stressed in a few steps.

  •  I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

I chose this because I am able to analyze important details to help me make a final judgement on what is making me stressed or what I believe is contributing to my stress. This statement helps me to make final conclusions and change my thought process before I can start doing my coping methods.

  • I can reflect on my thinking.

I chose this because reflecting on my thinking helps me cope and helps me to figure out newer ways that could help me to resolve my stress. It helps me make new conclusions and also calm down in the process of making conclusions.