Reviewing Chapter 1: Factoring & Radicals

  • The part of chapter 1 I am most comfortable with is factoring trinomials, perfect squares and difference of squares. I am most comfortable with these because they are the concept I am most familiar with and I understand the most about what steps I need to take to solve these accurately.
  • The most difficult part of chapter 1 for me is dividing radicals, more specifically using quotient property. This is the most difficult because I often struggle with figuring out what needs to be moved and what I need to simplify in these equations.
  • I usually learn new material the best when I am taught the material in class (with examples) and then given a chance to try it out afterwards. For example, when we get to do whiteboard work after learning something new or getting workbook questions to practice my newfound skills.
  • I plan to prepare for the unit test by completing the given workbook questions, looking over notes I don’t understand as well, and using the extra practice to improve on what I already know. This will help me to understand the chapter enough so that I don’t have to worry about certain topics on the test.
  • I have completed all of the practice problems other than the review questions we got introduced to on Monday. I plan to do these in preparation for the test on Wednesday.
  • The statement “I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior.” means that I can work independently and work towards solving my problems by taking ownership of my learning. I can work towards understanding a concept fully without many struggles and can enhance my learning by taking on challenging tasks.