Core Competency Self Assessment


I demonstrate the ability to problem-solve and think critically about math and science problems. I can analyze information and what the question is asking me while thinking about my answer. Doing the conclusion allows me to reflect on my own thinking as well as the facts, which I think is important to note. A skill I gained from this activity was asking open-ended questions to gain valuable information. Another helpful thing was my budding ability to think critically about my answer and if it was correct or not based on the information I had learned in class. Being able to complete my thoughts and bring them to a close at the end of my labs, allows me to fully explain what I think and how much I’ve learned from the lab.

This is my artifact from my titration lab where I could fully explain and interpret how I took the information given to me. This conclusion was one of the ones I believe I did the best on because I enjoyed the lab. It was the kind of lab where you could make mistakes on and then build from them, which was something I could tie into my conclusion.


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