Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assessment

Research during this project was a large chunk of it, and during this process I found myself reading and rereading where and what sites my information was coming from. I wanted to ensure that all the information I added was accurate and thoroughly researched by an expert. However, I also didn’t want to be reading through a million different sources blindly either, so I looked for words and phrases that were common throughout the different sites and articles I was reading. This was something I had never done went researching for a project, but I seemed to find success and less stressed trying to find info. But I think next time I will try to filter the number of sites I’m using, as well as look for specific phrases and words.

during this project, I showed I can analyze text and draw conclusions from it. I can also think critically and show my ability to sort through information in front of me. I am able to demonstrate my thinking and problem-solving abilities through my research and overall presentation of my learning. I can show my refined thinking in my presentations and research-based projects that require an organized and open mindset.


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