Essay Writing

My Essay

Core Compentcy Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…

My strategy for collecting information in this Essay was looking through the notes I had been taking through my reading of “Catcher in the Rye” and the questions assigned to us in class. I found that keeping some short but very important bullet points from each chapter made it easier to go back and reference important acts or characters from the novel, as I had already noted them. This is a strategy of writing important information from each chapter and I have been using it since I started high school, I have found a lot of success using it when I refer back to the novel or story

I am clear on the difference between simple “group work” and collaboration as evidenced by…

This was a collaborative essay and the difference between normal group work that is just thrown together, my partner and I talked and collaborated on many of the ideas and subjects that we wrote about. We came up with a game plan together where the work was split evenly and we were often on the same page about everything. Our group work is shown in the fluidity of our essay as we both read and reread through it to make sure it sounded concise and as if one person wrote it.

One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is…

One strategy that I found helps me get inspiration and ideas is walking or pacing around either listening to music or just the sounds around me. That helped me in this essay when I was trying to recall what my brain thought was the most important. I would walk around my kitchen or my living room trying to think and imagine how I would start and talk in each of my paragraphs, it allowed me to hear myself in my head and make changes before I started typing.

One goal I have is based on the prompt “When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I…” because I often find myself losing focus on my writing and getting lost halfway through. I think it is from the constant thinking and indecisiveness of my brain when I am writing something. I want to achieve this goal so I can keep my writing more consistent and be able to get it done fast and without three or four different drafts that don’t sound the same at all. To work towards this goal I am going to try and focus and write down the main idea I need to focus on paragraph by paragraph. I think I need a set-out plan for each paragraph in my essays. Then I have a single plan and a single idea to focus on for each paragraph instead of losing the main idea from one paragraph because I’ve blended it with another.


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