PHE9 Reflection

My Artifact

PHE9 Reflection

As I reflected on my overall experience in PE. I’ve recognized both strengths and areas for improvement. One of my strengths is following instructions. I know that following the instructions is important since it minimizes the risk of getting hurt. On the other hand, a stretch for me would be coordination. In some of the units, I find it difficult to do some of the things that I was asked to do, especially in dance. I had a little trouble coordinating some of the moves. To improve this, I plan to do some Just Dance when I have free time, gradually increasing the moves and difficulty. Overall, I believe recognizing these strengths and stretches would help me improve and become better physically.

Core Competency Reflection

During the unit dance, I worked with others to achieve a goal. When me and my group were told to create a dance routine within our group, we tried our best to make up a dance routine and performed it in front of the class. This showed that I can persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals and learning behavior. After the performance, I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. One goal that I intend to work towards would be to participate in activities that support my well-being and take responsibility for my well-being. This commitment came from the recognition that, in my free time, I don’t really do any physical exercise. I usually watch on my phone or laptop for the whole day. I’ll work on this by setting my screen time to 3 hours first, gradually increasing it as I work on this. I will also set myself a specific time where I have to go outside, that way I could get some physical exercise.


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