I recognize that listening contributes to my understanding in these ways. Listening to other’s opinions could help me figure out my mistakes. When I couldn’t find my mistake after doing a math question, I would ask my parents and they would help me by telling me how they would solve the problem and where I might have gone wrong. Their different perspectives on the problem often make me see things in a new way, which helps me learn and avoid repeating the same errors. In addition, listening to my teachers and classmates on how they would approach the question and solutions also help me expand my own thinking and problem-solving skills. In math class, I work with others to achieve a goal. When our teacher assigns us homework, I would work with my classmates and help each other out. After finishing the homework assigned, I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. Since math isn’t something I dominate in, I feel proud that I finished it and understand the concepts that I’ve learned. I take pride in my work and myself.
1. What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?
Through this unit, I learned some new vocabulary including myocardial infarction, angina, and ventricular fibrillation. Something that I have never considered is that diet plays an important role in risks of heart diseases. I used to thought that heart diseases are normal to happen as you get older.
2. What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit?
A key takeaway would be to be calm, think carefully, and react quickly when you must start CPR on someone. It’s also important to remember that you have to push a depth of 5 cemtimeters when doing chest compressions.
3.How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?
Durning the nutrition unit, we explored different types of diets that are healthy. We also learned foods that were unhealthy and harmful. In this unit, we learned the consequenses when you eat too much of unhealthy foods. This includes increase risk of heart diseases like high bloood pressure, high blood cholestrol, obesity and diabetes.
Core Competency Reflection
Examples of where I communicated clearly and purposefully can be seen when I’m practicing the CPR procedures. I demonstrated my ability to take control of the situation and ask for help from people around me when someone suffers a heart attack and becomes unconscious. Durning this unit, I also had to finish a package that has notes on everything that I have learned. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I listen to music. When I worked on the package that I had to finish for the CPR unit, I listen to music. I could focus more quickly and be more efficient on finishing it. One area of CPR in which I’d like to spend more time learning would the the chest compressions. I start to feel tired after doing chest compression for 1 minute. I think it would be better if I had more time to practice on my chest compressions.
What about the last concert/performance are you proud of? Why are proud of this?
At our last concert, I’m proud that I didn’t mess up on the solo in Fanfare for the Third Planet. Before the concert, I was so nervous that I would mess it up. I was really happy when I didn’t mess it up. I was also thankful that I made far fewer mistakes while going through all the songs than I had anticipated.
If you could change or fix one thing about your performance, what would it be? What would you improve?
If I could change one thing about my performance, it would be to play more louder. After the concert, I went back and listened to the video on Youtube. I realized that I can barely hear myself when I’m playing. The concert would’ve been better if I played louder.
Please write a few sentences to describe your performance at our concert.
At out concert, I think I did pretty great overall. I made less mistakes than I thought I would. I also enjoyed the concert. Even though I was stress, I was less stress than the first concert that we did.
In a few sentences, please describe how this past year has gone for you in band? How have you improved on your instrument and what would you like to continue to improve on?
During this past year, I enjoyed playing percussion in concert band. I have learned more about percussion and I was able to play songs that were more difficult. I improved on my instrument by practicing at home, practicing the rhymes in some of my pieces. As I continue, I want to improve to be able to play louder. As I have said above, I realized that I couldn’t really hear myself when listening to our concert.
Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?
It’s important to remember who benefits from the advertisement. No one wants to buy something that would not benefit or help them. Everything that people buy always has a value in their perspective.
Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience: logical, ethical, emotional.
A form of persuasion that is effective in persuading me would be logical. For me, I want to buy things that are useful and benefits me. If there’s an ad that shows all the benefits and reasons to buy it, I would be more persuaded to buy the product. I usually buy products if I have a reason to buy it. If I don’t have a reason to buy it then I won’t buy it.
Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.
An advertising technique that is effective in selling a product would be Bandwagon. Bandwagon is a type of advertising technique that tries to persuade people to take action now. It persuades the audience by telling them that everyone is doing it, and you should be part of it too. It creates a sense of belonging and desire to be part of the “crowd.” It’s effective to people like fashion-conscious customers, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), impressionable customers, and more.
Core Competency Reflection
I used to think that advertising is just writing a few words and adding pictures to get attention from others, now I know that it’s way more complicated than that because of this project. I realized that everything that is on an advertisement is important. It’s there for a purpose. There is a lot of psychology involved when creating a advertisement to persuade someone to buy this product. An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas was figuring out how to organize the layout of my advertisement. I went online and found some inspirations of what I wanted my advertisement to look like, then I used some of those ideas to create an advertisement.
1. Explain why you chose the App you used to create your print ad. What features did you like or dislike for the two Apps you tried? Explain.
For this print ad, I decided to use Canva as the app to create it. One reason that I chose Canva is that there were many templates that I really liked. There are various of templates that I get to chose from. I also liked the design of each template. Even though there were some templates that I couldn’t use because I needed to upgrade to Canva Pro, but there were some pretty nice ones like the one I used for my print ad. Another app that I tried using to create my print ad would be Word. In Word, there were still many designs that I could chose from, but I didn’t like any of them. It’s also kind of hard for me to move the designs around in Word.
2. What challenges did you counter when you were deciding which ingredients to buy for your cupcakes and the selling price for your cupcakes?
There weren’t much challenges when me and my partner were deciding the selling price for our cupcakes. The only challenge that we had was deciding on which ingredients to buy for our cupcakes. We only had $35 to spend, so we tried to buy as much things that we could and not exceed $35. At the end, we chose some candies that we liked to eat and chose it.
3. Why is your print ad effective? Explain.
There are many reasons that my print ad is very effective. On my print ad, it has many visuals of what the cupcake looks like. It also has arrows that show what does the cupcake contain if people are curious about what it contains. There is also big letters that say “You deserve the sweetness of life”. This makes the person who is looking at this ad to feel special, valued, and think they deserve enjoyment. This would convince them to purchase this cupcake.
4. What are 3 core competencies that you demonstrated in completing the print ad assignment?
One of the core competencies that I demonstrated was that I can analyze evidence to make judgements. During the cupcake assignment, my partner and I had to figure out a selling price for the cupcake print ad. We had to find a selling price so that we could make profit out of it, so we eventually decided on the price $2.25. This also showed that I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior. I listen to other people’s ideas and worked with them to deicide on a selling price that we both think it’s good. By finishing the print ad assignment, I demonstrated that I can work with others to achieve a goal.
Some words that described my year are joyful, determined, and focused. The reason that I choose joyful as a word to describe my grade 9 year because I enjoyed all of the courses that I have took so far. One of the courses that I enjoyed would be science. Even though science was never my favorite subject, but the teacher made it super interesting. I could always focus and understand the things that he said in class. I really enjoyed being in his class. I chose determined and focus as the other 2 words because I am determined to get a good grade in all of my courses, so I am focus during class.
A website that I felt supported in my learning would be Perplexity AI. Perplexity AI helped me find the information that I need in seconds. It also provide the sources that it got the information from, which was useful. That way, I could site the sources.
A Useful Educational Video
A useful educational video that aided my learning would be this video that talks briefly about the 4 P’s of the marketing mix. This video helped me understand the importance of the 4 P’s in marketing a bit better. It also made it easier for me to identify what is product, promotion, price, and place.
A Useful Educational Image
The image I chose is the periodic table of elements. The periodic table of elements helped me understand and know the different elements. It also made it easier for me to memorize, and know what comes after what.
An Inspirational Quote
The quote that is meaningful and that relates to your learning this year would be this quote from William Shakespeare. When I saw this quote, it reminds me that not everyone is born smart. It’s also a reminder for me to continually seek knowledge; the more I learn, the more I realize there is to learn.
Works Cited
College & Career Ready Labs │ Paxton Patterson. The 4 Ps of The Marketing Mix Simplified. 2017. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mco8vBAwOmA.
“Periodic Table.” Bing, https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=wqh6b%2fSm&id=9DABC8AAB5C9BF3F63C6403C0D9BECF6B570F4AF&thid=OIP.wqh6b_SmnbhotgkxKdsKQAHaFu&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fchem.libretexts.org%2f%40api%2fdeki%2ffiles%2f340851%2fPeriodic_Table_of_Elements_w_Chemical_Group_Block_PubChem.png%3frevision%3d1&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.c2a87a6ff4a69db868b6093129db0a40%3frik%3dr%252fRwtfbsmw08QA%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=2550&expw=3300&q=periodic+table&simid=608037301079273721&FORM=IRPRST&ck=45EBE27B12C264006BC7F94177ADA90B&selectedIndex=23&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0. Accessed 14 May 2024.
“Shakespeare Quote about the Fool.” Bing, https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=6%2b%2fnYQlm&id=190175B8E06C7103081DACAFEA75DAA293E01932&thid=OIP.6-_nYQlm4ZHj_ZCUHnabKAHaEK&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fquotefancy.com%2fmedia%2fwallpaper%2f3840x2160%2f1703877-William-Shakespeare-Quote-The-fool-doth-think-he-is-wise-but-the.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.ebefe7610966e191e3fd90941e769b28%3frik%3dMhngk6LadeqvrA%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=2160&expw=3840&q=shakespeare+quote+about+the+fool&simid=608042583883595290&FORM=IRPRST&ck=2C380B60C42CEA08D39590C1196B7078&selectedIndex=0&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0. Accessed 14 May 2024.
Perplexity , 14 May 2024, https://www.perplexity.ai/.
Is violence justified during a revolution/protest?
How did the use of AI assist you in developing this project?
The use of AI helped me a lot. It helped me find the information that I needed immediately. Without the use of AI, it would’ve take me longer to find the sources that I needed. AI also showed me the sources that it uses, so I could site it. That way I’m giving credit to the source. It could also help support my side of the debate.
How did you ensure that the work you created was still your own, rather than just a product of the AI?
I ensure that my work is still my own by writing it in my own words. There is also a function in Word called similarity that helps me check if there are any similarities between what I wrote and any websites.
Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or why not?
I agree with the position I had to argue. In my opinion, I never believed that violence could help during revolutions and protests. I always believed that communication and understanding different opinions of others could. I never liked the idea that people have to put their life at risk because of the different opinions of what’s “better” or “good” for a situation. They could just discuss it and find a solution to it rather than violence.
Core Competency Reflection
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try my best to start a conversation and understand them. I also help my partner when she doesn’t know what to do. I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this project. I did some research on both the pros and cons of violence during revolutions and protests, then I choose a side to argue for.
I think something that went well in my presentation was that I didn’t speak too fast when I was presenting it . Even though I spoke somewhat quickly, I don’t feel it was overly rapid. I’m also proud that I didn’t studder as much as I thought I will. Something that could have been better would be to speak a bit slower. As I have said above, I think I still spoke a bit too fast. Another thing that could be better would be to speak more clearly when I’m talking. When I was speaking, my tongue felt like it was a little twisted, which cause my speech to become a bit slurred. I didn’t really know why it happens, but I think I could do a bit more better next time. Something that I would change about my slides would be to reduce the writing on each slide. That way I have more things to talk about when I’m presenting. One of the curricular competences that I have demonstrate is responsibility. When we were given the assignment, we had to hand it in before April 8 which I did. This shows that I have demonstrated that I’m responsible for my own education. I also demonstrated critical and reflective thinking by making judgments about which character I liked the most and why. Overall, I’m quite satisfied with how I performed during the Independent Novel Presentation.
As I worked on my Contract Law Storyboard, I persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals, learning and behavior. When I’m faced with an unfamiliar vocabulary, I would refer back to our class notebook in Teams and figure it out myself. As well, I seek clarification from my teacher when I had questions. I demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to my work by ensuring that I complete tasks on time and seeking guidance when necessary. As I worked on the Contract Law Storyboard, I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but I use that as an inspiration to my ideas. I kept improving on my story to make it sound realistic. I also improved on my grammar as I worked on the writing part of it. When I finished, I take pride in my work and myself. I felt relieved when I finished it and I am really proud of the finished work.
As I reflected on my overall experience in PE. I’ve recognized both strengths and areas for improvement. One of my strengths is following instructions. I know that following the instructions is important since it minimizes the risk of getting hurt. On the other hand, a stretch for me would be coordination. In some of the units, I find it difficult to do some of the things that I was asked to do, especially in dance. I had a little trouble coordinating some of the moves. To improve this, I plan to do some Just Dance when I have free time, gradually increasing the moves and difficulty. Overall, I believe recognizing these strengths and stretches would help me improve and become better physically.
Core Competency Reflection
During the unit dance, I worked with others to achieve a goal. When me and my group were told to create a dance routine within our group, we tried our best to make up a dance routine and performed it in front of the class. This showed that I can persevere with challenging tasks and take ownership of my goals and learning behavior. After the performance, I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. One goal that I intend to work towards would be to participate in activities that support my well-being and take responsibility for my well-being. This commitment came from the recognition that, in my free time, I don’t really do any physical exercise. I usually watch on my phone or laptop for the whole day. I’ll work on this by setting my screen time to 3 hours first, gradually increasing it as I work on this. I will also set myself a specific time where I have to go outside, that way I could get some physical exercise.