Curricular Response
When building the Golf Tower and Egg Dropper, it improved my understanding of the Scientific method process. I had done all the steps in the Scientific method when I built both of the lab projects. I first wrote a hypothesis, then designed and experiment my project. Second, I collected all of the data from my experience. After I analyzed the data, I made a conclusion. It has helped me understand the Scientific method better since I have done it more than once.
Core Competency Self Assessment and Creative Thinking
There was a lot of problems and challenges while making the tower and the egg dropper. However, I am most proud of the Golf Tower Challenge. I’ve made the golf tower up to 7’5″, really close to the highest record which is 7’10”. The material which I use was the newspaper, it kept bending and the tape started to become not sticky. As I built higher, the golf tower would start to tilt whenever I put the golf ball on top. For the egg dropper, the egg wasn’t fitting inside of my design and I got a bit frustrated, I had to be more creative and find more space to be able to shove it in. By doing these projects, it has given me a better understanding of the scientific method process. At the start, I thought of many prototypes that would be the best for my project. After I deicide which prototype to use, I thought I would avoid all the problems that would have happened. In reality though, it kept collapsing and breaking down. I have to keep rethinking of a solution and troubleshooting until I got a result that I’m satisfied with. I demonstrated how to create new things when I draw the 6 prototype diagrams. I demonstrated that I could build on the ideas of others when I collaborate with my partner and found an idea that would work the best for us. When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the scientific method labs would be making the egg dropper and golf tower and testing it out.