Reflecting on My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

This year was one of the best years i had during the my school life, one thing i most love is that this school is that we are a lot more free and relaxed.when I am having difficulty with something, i usually go and ask peers for help and i try to go with their ideas they suggested for me or i got to the teacher for help with the things I have issues that cant be solved from peers or friends with, This year i enjoyed spending time going around the school and hanging out with friends.

My Favourite Website

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my favourite website is zib and why it is because of it helps me cite the website which helped me for a long time during this grade 9 year, it was really helpful and the website was really affective. It helped my a lot through out the year with projects and assignments i have done.

Favourite video

why i chose this video to shar is because when ever im down or tired i watch these type of video to hype me up

Favourite image

i chose this image because when ever i am doing a test or project and finally finishing this is basically how i feel after completing it

Favourite quote

“in bed” its 6am you close your eye for a moment and its 7:45 “at school” its 1:31 you close your eye for a moment and its 1:32

why I chose this quote is that when you take a quick moment to take a break and close your eye in school and home, time will fly by faster than school and we will have to still endure the hour of school.this relates to me, even though it might seem long

Work cited

“God More Sleep Less School | School Quotes Funny, Funny Quotes, Pinterest Funny Quotes.” Pinterest, Accessed 7 June 2023.

Thumbs Up Emoji Meme Generator – Imgflip. Accessed 7 June 2023.

You Laugh, You Restart., Accessed 7 June 2023.

Touching Spirit Bear the Movie: Peter Driscal

Our Movie

Plot, Character, Setting and Mood

· Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.

-after the creating peter from the information we had from the book we added similarities through the parents

· How did you choose the plot points?

-we chose the plots where peter interacted/involved or in a scene where its most important

· Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. Why is the setting significant to the story?

we chose the court ( circle of justice ) as Peter and others interacted the most

· Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked?

the word mood means the emotion you are feeling, and why i chose this song was that it was easy going and it sounded nice

Core Competency Reflection

· This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences:

— I select the pictures related to the image creating a imagery for the audience

· I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this…

— I used evidence to make decisions on what the character would look like based off of the evidence in the story

· Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

— When talking we would explore each others ideas and adding them of what goes the best

ADL- Collaboration and Solutions for Financial Literacy

Data and Solutions

Program: Excel

At year 0, we start at 80k and with 16.07% we go on with year 1 with $92,856 with 10k in savings

At year 1, we are at $92,856 and with 16.07% after this year we will have $100,065.48 with 20k in saving

Year 2, we are now at $100,065.48 with 16.07% and will now become $126,459.56 with a 30k saving

year 3, we reached our goal passing $120,000 with 30k extra profit with a Grand-Total of $156459.56

Program: Excel

At year 0, we start at 80k and with 16.07% we go on with year 1 with $92,856 with 10k in savings

At year 1, we are at $92,856 and with 16.07% after this year we will have $100,065.48 with 20k in saving

At year 2, we now have $92,856 but we had a 1-year drop which stopped us at $88,057.62

Year 3 puts us at a total of $88,057.62 with our saving of 30k, our Grand-Total will be $118,057.62

the strength to my solution/strategy is that if your business goes great, you could get 30k more money than the down payment you were going for but say your business goes 1 year drop your money is now 2k less than the down payment so going for stock can take a risk but if your business goes well the difference between GIC and stock is a big gap and can gain 30k profit while a GIC can get you to your

collaboration and contributions

I found working with my group alright because of how our group progressed through questions and problems we had but, we did lack participation in our group. My contribution to my group is helping on difficult question and doing some work and my groups contribution to me was doing almost the whole work. It depends on what solution they proposed, if they proposed a good solution, we would but if its solution is not as good, we may not accept it. I would rate myself a 2 and my group a 3

core competency reflection

I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener

—I would listen and understand as my teams talking. If i would not understand what they are talking about i would ask them to understand

I can work with others to achieve a goal

—I work with others to achieve the goal where the question was to reach a certain amount of money. We would strategize together to reach that goal

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way

—I listen and understand the idea they are giving to me and share the information. I would share the information in a way my team members would understand clearly

I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully

—I can understand their ideas they have given to me and think in their point of view. And if the ideas are good or not as good as the idea before I can agree or disagree respectfully