To take care of my stress I will normally just take a break and come back to it
technology I think is a stressor and a coping mechanism, technology can certainly cause stress with all the things on the internet to put you down or when you don’t understand technology. Personally technology is probably more of a coping mechanism rather then a stressor. Technology this year has been more of a coping mechanism, because if I need a break from something I usually go on technology.
Core Competency Reflection
I find it easy to be part of a group – I do find it easy to be part or in a group, when I’m with a group It’s easy to talk to people and fit in. I also find it easy because I like being around people and talking to others
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it – Sometimes I’m not very nice to people but when I recognize people need help or comforting I will try and be nice and comfort them. I think good at comforting as long as I know I need to comfort someone.
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior – I am usually respectful but lots of times I make rude joke not trying to harm the other person but trying to lift people up but some people don’t apricate my jokes.