What are some examples of positive attributes I have demonstrated so far this term?
I believe that I have show some positive attributes, I think one of the biggest one I have shown is getting my work on time
What are some areas that I will require more focus to achieve better results in the future?
I will become more aware of when I am distracted and will stop myself from engaging in bad or not very good behavior in the class. I also think that I could put in some more effort into certain project and put in more time into them.
What have I learned so far that I feel is important to my future?
I think that all of this resume and cover letter learning has benefited me a lot along with how to deal with interviews for jobs.
When I find that I disagree with someone in my group or discussion, I intend on using these positive strategies, I will ask why they think what they think and then I will say what I think instead. Another one is that I can try and make a compromise and use both of our ideas and make it into one, going forward.
When I start to fall behind, I will start to ask my teachers how I can better my learning. I will use my lunch time and use my after-school time more effectively on studying and on doing homework.
I really do think I have improved from knowing Hola and bueno from the chocolate bar to forming sentences I have improved. One thing that surprised me is how similar words can be and then how completely different they would be. The biggest challenge for me is the words that are super different from English are really hard for me to remember.
My Favorite Project
The Mi Horario is my favorite thing I have done in Spanish. Why I am so proud of it is that I put in a lot of effort, and I finished it early so I could make sure I did it all correctly. For this project I had to make a comic strip about my schedule in semester 2. The 2 core competencies I used are communication and creative thinking. For communication is I had to write and draw on my comic strip is what my schedule is and I had to communicate that on it. I used creative thinking for my drawings on the comic, I had to come up with different ideas to draw.
Why is it important to remember who benefits from the advertisement when you view an advertisement?
I think it’s important to know who the money is going to is, so you know what your money is being used for.
Choose one form of persuasion and explain why it is effective in persuading you/an audience
What persuades me on an ad is emotional more than any other kind of ad tactic. I think why it persuades me more is because it attaches me to a product whether it makes me sad or happy.
Choose an advertising technique and explain why it is effective in selling a product.
Special offer is definitely one of the more effective advertising techniques, I think that its effective because it gives people the feeling that they are making money on things regardless of if they need it or not.
Core Competency Reflection
Creative Thinking – I used creative thinking to make the ad because I had to create something new. I used it to think of things to say and thins to put on it.
Critical and Reflective Thinking – I used critical thinking by putting a green background on the back because I had a red Gatorade and there opposite colours. i also used an orange arrow to symbolize more that its gatorade.
I think my presentation went well because I put more than what was expected on my power point. I also think that I presented well because I spoke not too fast but not too slow. What I think I could have done better is I could have rehearsed my power point more. One more thing I think I could do is I could have done something different other then a power point. What I will do differently is I will bring something more than a nickel. I don’t think I demonstrated any core competency’s or just not a lot on a certain one.
This year I enjoyed learning new things in Social Studies, Science, and Spanish. In Social Studies I liked learning about the First Nation fur trade I learnt about how the Europeans were unfair in trading to the First Nation people. In Science this year I liked doing labs where we would do experiments in the science lab, we’ve done a lab where we check if things were conductive by putting it in water and seeing if it lights up a light bulb. In Spanish I’ve learnt different words, phrases, countries and descriptive words.
A Useful Education Website
Desmos | Scientific Calculator. https://www.desmos.com/scientific. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.
In math 9 almost the entire class would use this calculator because it’s a lot better than other calculators. Desmos has lots of different calculators in it like a graphing, geometry, and science calculators.
A Useful Educational Video
In math 9 I used this video at home to learn Polynomials when I wouldn’t understand it.
A Useful Educational Image
I think this photo is good because lots of time I’m not very motivated to finish something some this is helpful to tell me to stop when I’m done.
An Inspirational Quote
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken – Oscar Wilde
What I think this quote is trying to say is don’t be someone you’re not. I think that is important for school that don’t change for other people and just be yourself.
Works Cited
100+ Most Famous Quotes Of All Time (Updated 2024). 9 Jan. 2019, https://wisdomquotes.com/famous-quotes/.
“Inspirational Pictures.” Bing, https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=krz8NY%2bw&id=CB144391DA584AE5292833AD4F9DB0EB5F1E16D8&thid=OIP.krz8NY-wyRgAcv9nNG2aNgHaHa&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.success.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2flegacy%2fsites%2fdefault%2ffiles%2f9_15.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.92bcfc358fb0c9180072ff67346d9a36%3frik%3d2BYeX%252buwnU%252btMw%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=2048&expw=2048&q=inspirational+pictures&simid=607995403609664043&FORM=IRPRST&ck=94891CD887B7BCDD5C725D9BE7F14C4D&selectedIndex=2&itb=0&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.
To take care of my stress I will normally just take a break and come back to it
technology I think is a stressor and a coping mechanism, technology can certainly cause stress with all the things on the internet to put you down or when you don’t understand technology. Personally technology is probably more of a coping mechanism rather then a stressor. Technology this year has been more of a coping mechanism, because if I need a break from something I usually go on technology.
Core Competency Reflection
I find it easy to be part of a group – I do find it easy to be part or in a group, when I’m with a group It’s easy to talk to people and fit in. I also find it easy because I like being around people and talking to others
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it – Sometimes I’m not very nice to people but when I recognize people need help or comforting I will try and be nice and comfort them. I think good at comforting as long as I know I need to comfort someone.
I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behavior – I am usually respectful but lots of times I make rude joke not trying to harm the other person but trying to lift people up but some people don’t apricate my jokes.
I Statement: I can make an ethical judgement about the treatment of children in Indian Residential Schools.
Residential School where clearly not good but here are some reasons why, in these schools kids were taken away when they were very young and sometimes didn’t come back home after. These kids were given number almost like the Holocaust, the kids were physically and mentality abused. The people who survived the Residential Schools are scared for life, they were taught that there culture was wrong. The people who ran the School were told to (Beet the Indian out of the kids). That’s why the Residential School.
Question 1) An Explanation of why internet safety and being positive is important.
Internet safety is very important especially now with all the different types of devices to access the internet like phones, computers, tablets ETC. People can find so many things about you including finding where you live, your credit card information and many other things. It is important to be positive because the rate of depression is going up especially during the pandemic. With the web I think people are getting more depressed because human connection is on a low, due to people texting and calling. Although calling and texting is helping because people have online friends and people they know in other places.
Question 2) Examples of unsafe and negative activities.
There are many ways to be unsafe and doing negative activities online, one of the ways is putting your school, city/province in the bio of your social media’s. More ways are using the same passwords for multiple accounts or something simple like “PASSWORD”. Agreeing to things without reading them like term and conditions, or buying things online with out checking if it’s authentic. My last way is engaging in cyberbullying or putting hateful comments on post.
Question 3) A description of the steps everyone can take to be positive and stay safe.
Seeing if the website is safe and trust worthy, by looking at the left of the website you just searched and looking if it has a lock symbol. Make sure the links you press and the things you download are safe and won’t hack your computer or give you a virus. When buying things check if the supplier is a real business and not someone stealing your money. the last thing I am going to say is don’t look at things that might degrade you and make you sad.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
Question 2) Examples of unsafe and negative activities.
This ones kind of personal because some of the things I said I don’t even follow. Things I don’t do are using good passwords my passwords are usually very basic and easy to guess, and I don’t read the terms and conditions (like most people).
Works Cited
“Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online.” Usa.Kaspersky.Com, 30 June 2023, https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/preemptive-safety/top-10-internet-safety-rules-and-what-not-to-do-online.
“12 Simple Things You Can Do to Be More Secure Online.” PCMAG, https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/12-simple-things-you-can-do-to-be-more-secure-online. Accessed 16 Oct. 2023.