Career Project

Career Life Project Presentation

Curricular Reflection

I have a couple of career life goals, I want to have a good paid job, good vacation days and good work hours. For me to peruse a career in Home Repair I will have to do a few things. I need to get ok grades in English and math for me to get into a trade. I can also get into Home Repair with just a chigh school degree. For me to get better at this job I need to probably take Physics to get better for this job.

Core Competency Reflection

I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences – I am a confident speaker and not shy in front of a class, I am fine at making a presentation and presenting it in front of the class or explaining my experiences that I have done.

I can reflect on my thinking – I can show what I have done and what my thoughts are, I can present my thinking and thoughts in many ways. I can explain my thinking to people without being embarrassed or shy.

I can tell the difference between facts and opinions – I can easily respect peoples opinions and there beliefs without being rude. I like to acknowledge what the person is saying and understand where they are coming from and step into their shoes.

I can identify my strengths and identify my potential – I can tell people what I have been doing good and what I have been doing wrong. I can explain what I can do to improve what I can do to be better. I can tell people what I can do to be better.