I achieved A in my whole classes this year: When I have something confusing, I always try to solve it immediately by asking questions to teachers or peer tutors.
I start to play the piano again: In 2022, I stop playing the piano for personal reason. In 2023, I can luckily start piano again
I’d finished EDL class and taken the english language art 9 class: Although my english is still developing, I could learn a lot of thing from edl class.
Areas to improve
Action Plans
read more books
I will make a regular schedule such as right before going bed so that I can get a reading time.
become healthier
I will eat healthy food instead of fast food. I will control my diet and restrain some snacks. As well, I will go to the gym regularly by planing everyday’s workout.
Choose one of the figurative images from your power point assignment and explain how you chose that image, and how that image supports the meaning of that particular slide.
Soon after his creation, the wretch was abandoned. He is despised and feared by people. He has no one to depend on or relate to. he howling wolf stands for loneliness. All his life, he lives lonely, isolated life.
Core Competency Self-Assessment
As this assignment was in some ways different from a “typical” assignment for English class, discuss what challenges you faced completing the assignment and how you overcame them.
First of all, it was difficult to design the presentation. It’s been a long time since I made the presentation on my own, so it was hard to make a draft and design. I try to arrange the words and image neatly and simply. In addition, it was hard to choose the figurative image.
How did you select images and words to create meaning? What this easy for you? Why or why not?
I especially struggled with selecting a figurative image. I thought many feelings and image aroused in mind, but I could only come up with the literal image, not the figurative. However, as I keep searching what the figurative image is, I could finally get a sense of its concept.
I will allocate my money in the account that gives 4.2% non-redeemable GIC in 3 years (option B)
In the starting year, I have $80,000
On the first year, I will earn $80,000 × 4.2% = $3,360 for GIC
So, in total, I will have $80,000+$3,360 = $83,360
On the second year, I will earn $83,360 × 4.2% = $3,501.12 as GIC
So, in total, I have $83,360 +$3,501.12= $86,861.12
+$10,000 + $10,000
On the third year, I will earn $86,861.12 × 4.2% = $3,648.16704 for GIC
So, in total, I have $86,861.12 +$3,648.16704= $90,509.287
+$10,000 + $10,000 + $10,000
Hence, in next 3 years, I will earn $90,509.287+ $30,000 = $120,509.287 in total.
GIC= guaranteed investment certification
I think the weakness of GIC is that not all investment returns are taxed equally, and unlike capital gains and dividends, interest income earned from GICs is fully taxable in the year received. GIC is also a low returns. While GICs are safe, the returns are very low compared to other kinds of investments.
However. there are some good aspects, too; fixed term and interest. You will know exactly when your GIC will expire and how much interest you’ll earn at the end of the term.
Collaboration and Contributions
I didn’t work as a group and got a help from Mr. Ruditsch. It was interesting to know about how GIC actually applies to the account.
Core Competency Reflection
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I… usually do other works so that I can do the refreshing. While I did this assignment, I had tried to re-focus on by looking up relevant info.
My values around new learning inform my decisions about… I gives me another perspective on how I can look something in different views.
I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener. I make sure my group is active in learning and understands the solution.
I reflect on my thinking. I am able to look at my work and see any things I’ve done well in and any things I might have missed.
I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I look at the evidence provided and create a possible solution.
I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. I can look and process any other possible solutions to the problem. I then can see how it compares with my own solution.
BÎZGĂ, Alina. “What Goes Online, Stays Online: How a Negative Digital Footprint Can Affect Your Life.” Hot for Security, https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/what-goes-online-stays-online-how-a-negative-digital-footprint-can-affect-your-life/. Accessed 15 May 2023.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including every click I do. So I adjust my actions to always be careful in every action in the internet and not surf unknown or unsafe sites. Because the digital footprint can affect both positively and negatively, I always have to be careful in the internet usage.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include staying away from unsafe link, sites, and tools. To double check and verify the links will also help to stay safe in the internet. The best thing is to reduce using internet. I will try to reduce my screen time, too.
By putting positive comments, reviews, and pictures online, I make a positive difference to my peers. Negative comments, pictures, and reviews only harm oneself no matter how long ago the actions took place. Digital footprints remain almost forever so I always try to be careful.
This year I enjoyed all the new concepts learning from math 10, science 9, and social 9. I have participated actively in every courses and tried to complete every assignments in best efforts. I’m most proud of my grade. Up until now I got A in every course. It was hard to achieve my goal-getting A- but it otherwise motivates me more.
As a English Second Language Learner, I am still learning English. Whenever I found a word that confused me, I try to search up the meaning through the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. It helps me to not only solve my curiosity, but also improve my vocabulary skills.
Posting a Video
This video is the movie about the book, ‘Touching Spirit Bear’. Our group made a movie about the character, Garvey.
My Favourite Image
In English 9, we made a personal identity magazine. My topic about the experience about the recital, thus I choose the piano recital picture.
My Favourite Quote
“Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow”
“Freely bloom. That’s my definition of success”
Those are my two favourite quotes that I always keep in mind and try to follow. The first quote encourages and motivates me and the second one is something I pursue.
Works Cited
Redirect Notice. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.123rf.com%2Fphoto_92918696_piano-recital-imagechildren.html&psig=AOvVaw3JVTyjlntCarhSW5CI0QTP&ust=1683220374408000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCIDivcrU2f4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE. Accessed 3 May 2023.
· Explain how you figured out what your Avatar would look like.
I look up the descriptions of Edwin. I could guess his appearance through his words and the way he acts. He always somewhat give Cole advices. I could figure out he is calmness and warm, otherwise tough and brave. I made my own Avatar of Edwin based on these clues.
· How did you choose the plot points?
I check the story of a book again by reading again and discussing with partners. Then we choose and find the clues about Garvey and take a note.
· Explain how you figured out the setting in your story. Why is the setting significant to the story?
I try to find the picture that corresponds to each page’s mood and plot. Setting is significant to the story because I can possibly change the mood of the story and give audience wrong(different) impression.
· Explain what the word mood means and how/why you picked the song that you picked?
I think Garvey somewhat has a dark mood, although he always tries to help Cole. Thus, our group put dark mood songs.
Core Competency Reflection
An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is that… I am trying to communicate with my partners and look up the pictures and descriptions. After everyone finish their parts, I try to check others’ works specifically and discuss about better way to edit it. I show my opinion and idea and choose better pictures and descriptions.
I appreciate feedback on… the design and descriptions. I actively accept others opinion and make my parts better by discussing more.
Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better… are accepting others’ feedbacks and actively participate in the projects.
Venezuela… The foods in Venezuela mainly consist of meats like beef, ham and a lot of plantain. The most ubiquitous is corn or pancakes and braed made of flour.
Korea…. Hansik refers to traditional food, centered on rice, served alongside a bowl of souop and a variety of side dishes.
The major and popular sports are baseball, basketball, and football.
Football(soccer) and baseball have traditionally been regarded as the most popular sports in Korea.
National Patheon is a final place of nation heroes. Angel Falls is the world’s tallest uninterrupted waterfall.
Gyeongbokgung Palace is the largest of five residences of the Joseon Dynasty found in Seoul Jeonju Hanok Village is a place that history comes alive in beautiful Seoul city.
Independence Day- July 5 Battle of Carabobo-June 24 Simo Bolivars Birthday- July 24
Seollal and Chuseok are the most important traditional holidays for Koreans, so millions of people visit their hometown to celebrate with their families.
There are several styles of the traditional music of Venezuela such as salsa and merengue. Joropo, folk, ad caribbean are the most common types of music, too.
Music of korea can be divided into three: traditional korean folk music, popular music, and K-pop.
I want to visit Venezuela because it has a lot of different aspects compared to my home country. I want to experience venezuela’s music, food, and landmarks by visiting Venezuela.
Core Competency Reflection
I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. After we decided to present about Venezuela, I did a research about it and shared the information with partner. I organized the information in a clear and well-developed way.
I can work with others to achieve a goal. During preparing, I kept in touch with my partners and actively discussed about our project.
I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. Although my presentation wasn’t perfect, I am pride of myself finishing the project succesfully with a great result.
I can develop a body of creative works over time. Over time, our works get better with more sophisticated information and more pictures. I had developed my creative work by putting efforts and times.
Egg drop Experiment- This is my egg-protective deviceGolf Tower Challenge – Paper tower that our group made/ the golf is placed on the top
Curricular Response
Describe and reflect how your work with both building of your device improved your understanding of the SCIENTIFIC METHOD PROCESS. Think about the Inductive learning (Observing a problem using observations) and the Deductive Learning (Using experiments to test hypothesis).
: I can utterly understand the scientific method by doing golf tower challenge and egg drop experiment. I created a hypothesis based on educated guess, our group designed for the test and performed it. Though it was difficult, I learn how scientific method is actually proceeded and the importance of design. In particular, It was great to learn two different conclusions; hypothesis of gol tower challenge was supported, despite the hypothesis of egg drop was unsupported. In addition, some challenges I faced help me to learn inductive learning. There are many problems while making egg-protective device, and we could find out a problem by observing. I can also learn about deductive learning. Since I made a hypothesis on each experiment, I could perform my experiment to make the hypothesis supported.
Core Competency Self Assessment and Creative Thinking
·It’s important to celebrate our accomplishments. Which SCIENTIFIC METHOD LAB are you the most proud of and why? : Golf Tower Challenge. At first, it seemed almost impossible to make a firm tower with just 10 pieces of newspaper and 50cm tape. However, as I had done testing before the real experiment day, we figured out the problem and design again. Eventually it worked successfully and we could make 5’7″ height paper tower. I am pround of this work and next time if I have a chance to work this again, I believe that I can do much better.
· What strategies did you use to overcome those challenges? : I tried to find the setbacks and make up for the weak points. When our group first made a egg-protective device, we ran out of the tape and the newspaper was ripped. We discussed how to correct the flaws and made a new design.
· Describe your experience with understanding of the Scientific Method doing the 2 labs : I can more deeply understand the scientific method by doing 2 lab experiments. When I first learned the scientific method, it was a bit ambiguous for me to understand, however, as I did an experiment, I can utterly understand each step and learn how to make a clear hypothesis, as well as conclusion. In addition, those two experiments help me to understand how to find the independent and dependent variables.
· Tell me how you did the following:
A) I demonstrated that I can create new things when I … try to view the things more visually. Rather than just thinking about it in my head, I draw a design or propotype. When I decide to make one creation, I draw a design very specifically.
B) I demonstrated that I can build on the ideas of others when I … look others are doing and think about it critically. I see other’s ideas, thinking it critically, and wondering whether I can make it better
C) When trying new things, I expect setbacks and failure and use them to develop my ideas. An example of this from the Scientific Method labs would be … Egg drop Experiment. The egg is broken and I realized the problem of our device. For doing this experiment, I was able to develop my idea and learn Scientific Method which had an unsupported hypothesis.
Consider the following aspects of learning – Reading for information
Provide a SPECIFIC example of when you used that strength to help you successfully complete an assignmentor task. What class was it in? What was the assignment/task? HOW did this learning strength help you be successful?
: In the esl social class, there were many assignments that had to read and find the information what I want. In particular, I had to read many books and presentation while studying Canada History. At first, I had so hard and difficult to read the vast amount of information, but I soon got used to it as doing the assignments. My own strenght, reading the information, helped me to be improved more. I could eventually develop my skills of comprehending and paraphrasing, leading to pursue perfecting the assignment with more high quality.
I am not sure that my own strenght was fully showed in this class. I hope my efforts was good enough to be recognized, and in following semester, I hope I can express and show all my strenghts and ability.
Core Competency Reflection
I can ask questions, make predictions, and use my senses to gather information.
When I got questions, I tried to ask to teacher and understand the point. The Canada Geographics and history was one of the rough courses for me due to its unfamiliar terminologies. However, I made predictions of each word and then found its meaning through the internet. This process was very helpful to me, improving my prediction skills toward unfamiliar words, and could also boarden my view of reading information.
I generate new ideas as I pursue my interests :I love snow. As I move to Canada, I experienced heavy snow and I was my first time to experience that much heavy snow. The scenery was totally unfamiliar to me. Due to snow, its color, white, covered all around the world and I could not find ‘colorful’ while snowing. Tree, house, road, etc.. white were all covered the world. And it continued for almost 4 days, continuously falling down. I think this poem shows up my fun toward the snow, and how I felt while snowing. I could express my interest with my own creative thinking.
The start of the spring
Expressing innocent and trust and thoughtful
Happily yellow scatters
Core Competency
I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy.
:Freesia is one of my favorite flower. When I buy freesia and put in my room, I feel happiness and joy. As its flower language, friendship, trust, thoughtfulness, and innocence, I feel a sense of accomplishment and joy while thinking about freesia. In a peom “I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth, speaker changes positively when he thinks of daffodils. For me, freesia works sames as daffodils.