My Grade 9 Year
This year I enjoyed all the new concepts learning from math 10, science 9, and social 9. I have participated actively in every courses and tried to complete every assignments in best efforts. I’m most proud of my grade. Up until now I got A in every course. It was hard to achieve my goal-getting A- but it otherwise motivates me more.
My Favourite Website
As a English Second Language Learner, I am still learning English. Whenever I found a word that confused me, I try to search up the meaning through the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries. It helps me to not only solve my curiosity, but also improve my vocabulary skills.
Posting a Video
This video is the movie about the book, ‘Touching Spirit Bear’. Our group made a movie about the character, Garvey.
My Favourite Image

In English 9, we made a personal identity magazine. My topic about the experience about the recital, thus I choose the piano recital picture.
My Favourite Quote
“Push harder than yesterday if you want a different tomorrow”
“Freely bloom. That’s my definition of success”
Those are my two favourite quotes that I always keep in mind and try to follow. The first quote encourages and motivates me and the second one is something I pursue.
Works Cited
Redirect Notice. Accessed 3 May 2023.