Consider the following aspects of learning – Reading for information

Provide a SPECIFIC example of when you used that strength to help you successfully complete an assignmentor task. What class was it in? What was the assignment/task? HOW did this learning strength help you be successful?
: In the esl social class, there were many assignments that had to read and find the information what I want. In particular, I had to read many books and presentation while studying Canada History. At first, I had so hard and difficult to read the vast amount of information, but I soon got used to it as doing the assignments. My own strenght, reading the information, helped me to be improved more. I could eventually develop my skills of comprehending and paraphrasing, leading to pursue perfecting the assignment with more high quality.
I am not sure that my own strenght was fully showed in this class. I hope my efforts was good enough to be recognized, and in following semester, I hope I can express and show all my strenghts and ability.
Core Competency Reflection
I can ask questions, make predictions, and use my senses to gather information.
When I got questions, I tried to ask to teacher and understand the point. The Canada Geographics and history was one of the rough courses for me due to its unfamiliar terminologies. However, I made predictions of each word and then found its meaning through the internet. This process was very helpful to me, improving my prediction skills toward unfamiliar words, and could also boarden my view of reading information.