Creating a Positive Digital Footprint
Social media and online platforms are very useful, but also very harmful. Many people face bullying, hate comments, and group mentality, which is why online safety is important. Being safe online consist of keeping your information off line, and keeping your accounts private. When online you have to remember that what you put out there is hard to remove. Before you post you should think, will it be ok if my parents see this, if my teacher sees this, if my future boss sees this? You should always be thinking of this, and what you are posting, if it could effect others? If the answer is yes to these questions, you should think again about posting it or to post it to my eyes only. When your online, don’t talk to people you don’t know personally, as many people pretend to be someone they aren’t. not talking to strangers keeps one less person from finding out information about you. Being safe online is one of the biggest things right now, so be smart and think smart.
Personal/Social Competency Reflection
I know that my digital footprint can have both positive and negative consequences, including the positives like, being able to promote a business, get support from online groups, or to even promote yourself. Although there are many negative things like, misleading information, fake news, or others bullying people online. So I adjust my actions to keep my accounts private, never post things about others, and research to see if the information I see is true.
My online support network is helpful to me because they can help you figure out problems and answer questions you may have.
I make digital ethical choices such as not lying about myself or others in order to be responsible and do the right thing.
Work Cited
“The Modern Parent’s Guide To Internet Safety For Kids.” Scary Mommy, Accessed 25 Apr. 2022.
Here’s How You Can Stay Safe on Instagram., Accessed 26 Apr. 2022.
“How To Protect Your Digital Footprint.” Morgan Stanley, Accessed 26 Apr. 2022.