BC First Peoples 12-

Through out this semester, we have learnt many traditions, cultural practices, and the history of indigenous people. When I first attended this class, I did not know much about indigenous people and their history, compared to know. We have learnt about the importance in oral story telling through out this semester.We have learnt history of the settlers coming to Canada, where we went in dept about the fur trade. One major thing I remember learning, was about the indigenous women, who helps the new settlers navigate the land. Although, within this class, we have talked about residential schools multiple times. I really enjoyed the small unit we did on them, and watching Sam speak. Sam is a residential school survivor, who came into class to speak about his experiences within residential schools and how it affected him long term. I really enjoyed listening to his presentation, I found it interesting. Overall I very much enjoyed this class, as it was a great opportunity to learn more about indigenous people. I entered the class knowing the basic about indigenous culture, and am leaving it, knowing all about the treaties, residential school, settlers, and more. My view on indigenous people hasn’t changed to much, although my view on how they lived as. This is because we learnt all about their lifestyle which I didn’t know before starting this class, as I only knew the basics about indigenous peoples and their ancestors/history.