Core Competency Reflection

Over coming the challenge of math and the difficult equations I faced in Pre Cal 12. I spent my time seeking help and getting tutoring in order to understand and learn how to solve complicated math problems, such as logs, functions and more. After seeking the help I needed and working one on one with my tutor i picked up on math very fast. I never gave up even when it was hard and developed tricks to help me make solving the equation easier. Because of my devotion to not give up on some challenges I was faced with, I was able to learn new techniques and skills. I thought I would only use my math skills in math class but I also use them outside of class with helping younger grades with their math and showing them the tricks that helped me. Finally being able to learn to ask for help has helped me in school and outside of school especially with my nail business. This is because when I was new to nails I was nervous to seek the help I needed. Ever since being able to ask for help in classes like math, I was also now able to seek help when needed outside of my school life.

I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth. I have proven this with seeking help, as now when I have a question no matter what it is, I am not afraid to ask for help. This has benefitted me as now my work is much better and I have a better understanding of it, as well as pushing me out of my comfort zone to get help.

Core Competency Reflection

Positive Learner Identity

Taking clear notes, is very important to me because it keeps me organized and helps me manage my work making it easy to find. When I take clear notes I can look back on it makes it easier to take in the information and easier to understand, not only, but I don’t waste time trying to find a topic as all my notes are categorized.


I used my note taking skills in science class and socials class the most, I spent time writing short formed notes on each topic with the topic underlined making it easy to find. Because I didn’t write to much about each topic it made it easier to understand and remember. I did this with topics such as World War One/two, chemistry, biology, physic and climate change.

Positive Learning Identify

Asking a question –

I am able to ask questions when I need help, with math, English, etc. I am able to take the steps it takes to understand my work. I am able to learn well when asking for help, I ask for help when I’m un sure of how to do something, or need guidance with something. In English i ask many questions about what the criteria may be for certain projects. In the project I’m doing now on my novel study my job is to go to my teacher and ask her for the criteria.