PHW 10 AND Reflection

today I feel tired because I just had sports yesterday.

Personal Health And Awareness

when I need to boost my mood I like to take brain or go talk to my family as I try to do my homework during the day so if i get stuck i can ask my parents for help. and besides school to boost my mood i like to go out with my friends or just go outside and shoot pucks for hockey.

Core competency Reflection

find it easy to be part of a group.)  I find it easy to be in a group because I get along with other people and because i play sports i am used to taking with other people and making connections with other people even if the season is over which makes more friendships

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.) I can build new ideas from other because I’m good and i can make friendships with new people. I’m good with building ideas with other people when im in a group if someone has as good idea i can build off it

can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.) i like to take pride in my self in anything i do rather it sports

I participate in classroom or group activities that improve the class, I would say I do participate in the class actives because not only do I get a better mark for participating in PE. i like trying because that way I get to be more active