Economic Theory 12: Final Reflections

Semester Reflection

Economic Theory 12: Reflection

This semester, I completed an independent inquiry project about Canada’s healthcare system, the issues with it, and how the system can be improved. I connected ideas and theories from numerous different economists throughout history when explaining how the system turned out to be the way it is and how we can better it. I practiced research skills by performing independent research, to gain an understanding beyond the topics covered in class, and made reference to many different credible sources. I also referenced lectures and notes from the class throughout the entire semester. I used critical thinking to apply theories to this specific topic and wrote the project in an essay format.

Core Competency Reflection

“While completing my ____________ assignment I faced uncertainty so I did ….. to be able to….”

While completing my inquiry assignment I faced uncertainty with how to find more economists to research, so I met with the teacher to ask for recommendations on places to start. He recommended I look into “Baumol’s Cost Disease”, an idea that ended up becoming a major part of my final project.

“I respectfully advocate for my needs by…”

I respectfully advocate for my needs by asking questions during class to enhance my understanding. I can ask for help when I need clarification and know when I need to spend more time reviewing a topic.

“I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I…”

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I participated in the many group or partner assignments/discussions, and was very respectful of everyone else’s opinions. I was able to consider opinions that I might not have normally, and my own knowledge was expanded by listening to the input of others.

Tech Leadership Final Reflection

My artifact: This is a page of the Centennial course planning site that I worked on with a group of tech leaders.

Curricular Competencies Reflection

“Work collaboratively with others in a leadership group in order to positively influence the Centennial community .”

I demonstrated this competency when working on this project because of all the collaboration I was involved in to update the course planning website before course planning opened for the year. I did this by attending meetings and work parties to discuss ideas with others and organize what duties I could take on. As a group, we added new courses and descriptions to the website, added new images and videos (like the video I embedded for the Foundations of Inquiry course), and made the website more accurate, detailed, and functional.

Core Competencies Reflection – Personal/Social

“I can participate in group activities that improve the class, school, or community.”

I grew in this competency by spending a lot of time in groups, working with other tech leaders and teachers to improve and change the website. I volunteered time to work on this job to help the school community and get the website as good and accessible for other students as we could. I communicated with leaders that had done this last year whenever I had a question about the website, as well as contacted teachers to confirm course information and get their classes displayed as nicely as possible. I used the Divi builder on the edublog website to make changes and was responsible in my time management skills throughout the course of multiple weeks.

Literary Studies 11

My Artifact

My Learning

For this assignment, I had to use creative thinking skills, as well as critical knowledge of grammar and sentence structure to write an alternate ending to Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”. Doing this assignment taught me a deeper understanding of the play, since I had to revisit characters and their motives, as well as look at the events of the play to write a logical ending. It taught me more about writing since the best way to improve on it is to get more experience doing it, it taught me when to separate paragraphs when writing in the style of a novel, and it also taught me more about spelling and punctuation overall.

Core Competency Reflection

“An example of where I built upon someone else’s ideas is… ”

This entire assignment was a way for me to build off of Shakespeare’s already written story and then put my own twist on it. I had to look at what he wrote and why, and I made sure to not make too many changes to the previous acts of the play because I wanted to keep as much of the original as possible and just add my own ending.

“An example of something I have spent a lot of time learning about is… ”

I have spent a lot of time learning about this play. We began with learning a bit of the author’s history, then dove into reading the play both out loud as a class and silently on our own. We also watched a movie adaptation, I completed a number of assignments about Macbeth, and there was also a test on the play.

Connecting Media and Psychological Disorder Mind Map Reflection

Core Competency Reflection

“I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.”

I designed this mind map so that the information on it is neat, concise and spread out. I made sure to plan how much of an explanation I was going to give for each psychological perspective so that they would take up around the same amount of space as the song lyrics.

“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself”

I was very proud of this assignment and my thinking, and I took pride in being on top of the work and handing it in early.

“I deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head.”

When we had to select a piece of media for the assignment, I chose a song that I was already familiar with, which made it very easy to make connections with the lyrics. Because I incorporated something I was interested in, I enjoyed doing this assignment.

Research Assignment Reflection

Communication Core Competency

“I work with others to achieve a goal.”

For this assignment, me and my group had to create a survey asking other students the best possible questions to collect data for our hypothesis. We were all communicating with each other, (suggesting things and asking each other questions), and everyone’s ideas made it into the survey. It was a group effort and together we completed the assignment.

Personal/Social Core Competency

“I demonstrate respectful, inclusive behaviour.”

While working in this group, I was always actively listening to my partners when they were speaking. I respected all of their ideas and contributions. I did my part in the project and was grateful for the work they did as well.

Thinking Core Competency

“I can analyze evidence to make judgements.”

A large part of this project was the reflection was examining the responses we got. We calculated the mean, mode, median, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient of the survey results. I was able to look at this data and determine what we found out, and how it compared to our hypothesis.

Social Studies 10 Reflection

Demography Project

Socials Reflection

I used Personal and Social core competencies when creating this presentation on Italy’s population and developments by researching Italy’s culture, being aware of their country’s differences and similarities to Canada, and using my social responsibility to recommend steps they take in the future to decrease two of their main issues.

Core Competencies: CLE 10

I give, receive, and act on constructive feedback. 

When creating my resume, I went over it multiple times with my teacher before the final copy was made and handed in. We discussed formatting, wording, and a bunch of ways to improve it overall. I made many changes to it after getting feedback, which led to the final product. The resume now looks neat, professional, and the information is concise and useful.  

Who I Am Presentation

I can plan ways to make my message clear and engaging for my audience and create communications that focus on a variety of purposes and audiences. 

When creating this “Who I Am” presentation to share with the class, my main goal was to make it interesting and fun for the audience, my classmates. I used a variety of different ways of showing information, including using images to enhance my ideas. I included lots of text in my PowerPoint but didn’t read it verbatim; I summarized my key points. I read it in a natural and confident voice and answered my peers’ questions at the end. 

Podcast Review Poster

I can describe how some specific choices can affect my well-being and participate in activities that support my well-being. 

For this assignment, we had to listen to and review a podcast related to the goal we set. Since my goal was to get up earlier/get to school on time, I chose a podcast about sleeping and how to relax at night. This benefitted me because it not only helped the goal I set for an assignment, but it actually helped with my health. 

Math Self Assessment

“What is your strength in group work? How do you use this to actively contribute during group work activities?”

My strength in group work is that I can be both a listener and a leader. I always listen to my group members, watch when they’re solving questions, and ask questions when there’s things I don’t understand or am not sure about. When I am doing questions, I explain my steps as I’m doing them and make sure that my group members understand what I’m doing. I also answer any questions they have.

“What does it mean to be disciplined in math? How do you show you are disciplined in this course?”

To me, being disciplined is being consistent. Showing up to class every day prepared to learn, and doing the homework daily after school is how I can understand all the concepts. I also take the self-initiative to do extra homework questions in the book when I’m not confident in that topic yet and to refer back to the notes posted on teams when I need to.

Core Competency Self Assessment

Critical Thinking

My Artifact: Novel Poster

“I can tell the difference between facts and interpretations, opinions, and judgments”

I can tell the difference between those three things when reading a book. I also understand that what I wrote about the book is my own interpretation, and not necessarily the “right” or “wrong” way of understanding it. I made sure to include actual facts, such as direct quotes from the book, and I also have opinions on what I believe were the three major themes and created some images that represented them to me.

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