A Spanish Conversation

Thinking Core Competency.

“I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.”

I had to come up with lots of my own ideas for how to use the required elements of the conversation, have proper grammar in Spanish, and to make the conversation flow and sound good. But, a lot of my work was acknowledging and building on the ideas of my partners. The entire thing was a very collaborative effort and we were constantly bouncing ideas off of each other and using each others thoughts.

“I can reflect on my thinking.”

By being forced to do this edublog, I am reflecting on my thinking. Using these core competencies, I can explain my process when doing the conversation assignment.

“I can tell the difference between facts and opinions.”

I am able to tell when there is a difference in opinion, and when something is actually wrong. A lot of the times, me and my partners had different thoughts so we had to compromise. However, some times one of us would make a little mistake in spelling or something and that was something that we had to correct in a polite and respectful manner.

More Competencies.

“I work with others to achieve a goal.”

As said earlier, this project was a very collaborative effort and we made sure to work together throughout all stages of work. We were communicating a lot and we were very happy with the end product.

“I recognize my emotions and use strategies to manage them.”

I don’t know how my emotions relate to this project but yes I can acknowledge my emotions and deal with them in a healthy way, in and out of the school workplace.

“I find it easy to be part of a group”

I enjoyed working with my partners in this project. We all got along very well and we worked really well together.

“I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.”

My partners and I were asking each other lots of questions during the whole process. I was taking into account everybody’s thoughts and the end result is a combination of our collaboration and a group effort.


“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.

That is a goal that I have to work on as an “I CAN” statement. I will achieve that goal by showing a sense of joy after working hard and being more proud of my work.

Social Studies Immigration Board Game


For this assignment, Eunwoo, Hannah, and I created a board game called “Escape” based on the history of the Underground Railroad that we learned about in class. Our goal was to take the ideas from the travels of immigration to Canada in the 1800s, and use them to inspire a “snakes and ladders” type game that could be used for fun, but also as en educational tool/study guide. We tried to include as many historical elements and facts in our game as possible. We included these details in our background paper, trivia questions, game rules, and even in our illustrations on the physical board game itself. We really wanted the game to pay homage to the journeys travelled to Canada during the 1800s.

Core Competencies

“I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas.”

I had lots of ideas and suggestions for this project, since the first day of brainstorming. Some of which I developed and expanded on throughout the course of the project. However, some of which we ended up deciding not to use, which was ok. Although not all of my ideas made it into the final result, they were all a part of the process and they all helped to achieve our end product. An idea that we changed: I had the idea to have the railroads going both up and down, depending on where you landed. Instead, we ended up having them only go up, but we added police officers that could send you back to the start of the game. An idea that we kept: An idea that made it into the final game was my idea to have trivia questions included in the game. This was a way for us to incorporate more historical details, as well as a way to have people learning and studying while playing our game.

“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.”

I felt very proud with how this project turned out; I think me and my group achieved our goals for this assignment. I am able to take pride in our work ethic, collaboration and communication skills, and our successfully working board game. We used our class time efficiently, contacted each other outside of class time with ideas and questions, took time to work on certain parts at home, and we were able to divide the work up really well. I did wrote the trivia questions, wrote the historical background, wrote some of the rules of the game, helped colour some of the characters, printed out the documents, and helped with fine lining and colouring the board. My partners did the drawings on the board, wrote out the trivia questions and coloured the cards, helped write some of the rules, coloured some of the characters, and we all helped choose the designs for the game as well as the kind of game we wanted to make. We were all constantly working on different things, and everybody participated heavily and consistently.

Midsummer the movie

My movie

Character, setting and mood

Through creating this movie I learned that when reading a piece of literature, if you pay attention to the description of each character, you can figure out what each character’s markers are. In the story of Peter Quince that I was given, it did not talk about Quince’s physical markers very much, so I had to make the avatar based mainly on my imagination. However, the story did talk about what kind of a person Quince was, and I think that is reflected in the avatar I created for him. I learned that the setting of a story is figured out by the descriptions of the characters’ surroundings. I also learned that stories can have multiple settings! I learned that mood is the vibe of the story, and how the story makes you feel. Mood can be figured out by paying attention to the events of a story, and how those events are described. The song I chose for the video is a rather funky beat, which I think fits the storyline because the scene where Bottom turned into a donkey was pretty wild.

Core competency reflection

I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.

I took joy in completing this video, and felt proud in the work I did.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.

I made a lot of the slides on the video, where with each I added titles, text, a VoiceOver, and a picture of my choosing to represent a scene from the story. I also changed some of my ideas and adjusted based off of some of my partner’s ideas.

I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas.

I took time to choose a lot of choices I made for the video, and I was able to adjust to the challenges I faced and use them to improve some of my choices.

I can reflect on my thinking.

I reflected on all of my ideas, some of which I stuck with and some of which I decided after some thinking that they were better off changed.

Meal Planning Assignment


A family wants to make a plan for the week which includes everyone. They want to know who will cook each day, what will be made, how much to make, and at what time will dinner be ready. They want this plan to not interrupt their weekly activities. 



For Monday, We chose Parent A to make the meal, since they get off work earlier than Parent B and the food can be ready for Parent B and the teens when they get home. We chose for them to make Chicken Noodle Soup, since it only takes 45 minutes to make, and it has more than enough servings for each family member. For Tuesday, we chose for Teen 1 to make the food, so that the parents have a break from making the food, and so Teen 2 can have time to get ready for their soccer practice. We chose to have them make a grilled cheese sandwich, since it’s a nice and easy meal for everyone, and the recipe we found only takes 15 minutes to make. For Wednesday, We chose Parent A to help Teen 2, so that Teen 2 gets a turn to cook and because Teen 2 needs help with recipes that aren’t super easy. We chose for them to make Black Bean Tacos, since it only takes 15 minutes to make, and it makes exactly 4 servings (one for each family member). For Thursday, we chose parent B to help Teen 2, so that parent B can have a turn making dinner with one of the teens; specifically Teen 2 since Teen 1 is at basketball until 5:15. We chose for them to make Vegetable Pad Thai, since It’s a nice meal with more than enough servings for each family member and it only takes 35 minutes to make. Finally, for Friday we chose for Parent B to make dinner, since they can start dinner right when they get home from work. We chose for them to make Ginger Glazed Salmon, because there is enough servings so that Parent A, Parent B, and Teen 2 can all eat, while leaving one serving for Teen 1 when they get home from work. Plus, it only takes 20 minutes to make.



Collaboration Reflection

Our group communicated and shared information with each other in lots of ways. During work blocks, we were constantly working together to create our meal plan, coming to each other with ideas and questions, and frequently updating each other on what we were working on. We also recorded shared ideas in our joint word document, and contacted group members with updates when they missed a day. We also used technology in many different ways. We used it to look at the instructions and requirements for this project on teams, we looked at the reference material posted in the teams assignment, we used outlook to email our group members whenever they missed a day, we used our shared word document to collaborate together and share information, and we used edublog to create these posts containing all our information about our project. I was familiar with all these digital tools before this assignment, having used teams, word, and outlook in previous school years, and having used edublog earlier when completing the About Me assignment. The tasks were distributed evenly in our group. We worked together on completing the questions on day 1 and brainstorming our ideas for our meal plan. For individual work, everyone was assigned certain day(s) to complete on our meal plan table. For my personal contribution to our group’s solution, as seen above on the table, I completed the plan for Monday and Thursday. I also did my best to assist my other group members with any questions they had or anything else I could help with.

About Me Assignment

My Bio

My name is Madelin, or Madi for short. I’m in grade nine. Some of my hobbies include: playing basketball, playing piano, and reading books. I live with my parents and my younger brother. I love amusement park rides and sleeping in. My favourite subject in school right now is math. My favourite colour is green, my favourite show on Netflix is Stranger Things, and my favourite season is fall. I love swimming and watching movies and tv shows.


The image I chose is the sheet music to a song I would love to learn on the piano!



The website I choose is Pinterest! It inspires me to be creative, and gives me a way to express that creativity through visualizing my goals.


“Be stronger than your strongest excuse” -Alan Maiccon


This is a video of rain sounds, which I find really relaxing and I often use to help me fall asleep.


Gentle Night Rain 12 HOURS – Sleep, Insomnia, Meditation, Relaxing, Study, Reduce Stress, Tinnitus – YouTube



Quote by Alan Maiccon: “Be stronger than your strongest excuse. Be grea…” (goodreads.com)

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