My dissection of two squids that were eaten after.
Communication Core Competency
“I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener”
While we were following instructions during the dissection, I made sure to listen carefully and follow along with a high level of focus. I did my best to remember everything that the teacher said, so that I wouldn’t have to ask many questions. However, when there was something that I was not sure about, I asked a question about it to solidify my understanding.
Thinking Core Competency
“I can analyze evidence to make judgements”
While examining these squids, I used critical thinking to identify different body parts and their functions, based off previous notes and lessons on cephalopods. For example, I could tell that I had one male and one female squid based off of the colour and texture of their gonads.
Personal/Social Core Competency
“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.”
I was very proud of myself after this lab for being able to carefully take apart this squid, make precise cuts and remove body parts (without popping the inc sac too early!), and identify different parts and analyze how they look.