ADL Social Studies- Ethical Judgement 

 Is violence justified during a revolution or protest?

in this project I used AI to help me narrow down my search of main points and questions I had to a couple good websites. to ensure the work was all mine I would look through the websites, pull out all the important information and put it onto a work document, from there I would start picking the information apart and righting it all in my own words. in this project I agreed with my point of view mainly because I believe that in any instance violence is not the way to solve our problems, i think there are other way to solve our issues without using force.

Core Competency Reflection 

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include scanning through websites that relate to my question and seeing if some of them have the same type of information on them, from there I pick out the important information and pull it apart then put it all in my own words adding my thought along with it.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I try to get to know the person first, I believe that it’s hard to work well with someone you don’t know well and you struggle to communicate with. after were become comfortable with each other we both divide out the work then help each other on the way.


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