Career Project

Career Life Project Presentation

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Curricular Reflection

During this career project, I learned about myself. I explored something that I was passionate about and developed a plan to follow my dream. Through the project, I could identify aspects of myself and use them to choose a life. I reflected on things I was willing to do, and some that I decided I did not want for my future. Overall, I also thought about our society and the things it needs to grow to be a stronger and safer one. I concluded that we, ourselves, are nothing compared to the world and our only job is to protect and admire the beauty we have both natural and social.
In conclusion, this career project helped me to reflect on what matters. Now, I know that even if I don’t follow this career, I want to do something that would allow me to make this world a better place. Without this project it has taken me a longer time to discover this wish in me, so I’m thankful for it.

Core Competencies

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. As I created the power point I was careful to make it easy to follow and understandable. I researched my topic of interest and tried to make it engaging for the rest as well.
I can tell what is important to me and I can explain my values. During this project, it was elemental to identify one’s values and use them to chose a career I would enjoy. Since everyone is different it makes sense not everyone chose the same career and I’m aware of what I value.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. On the other hand, I also supported multiple of my classmates with their projects. I clarified some of their questions and also gave them feedback on what the best ways of presenting the information would be.
I can reflect on my thinking. This ed-blog is proof that I can reflect on my learning and thinking and provide specific examples to prove this. Reflecting on the things learned is important because in the long run is going to be the things you would remember the most.


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