Career Project

Career Life Project Presentation

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Curricular Reflection

During this career project, I learned about myself. I explored something that I was passionate about and developed a plan to follow my dream. Through the project, I could identify aspects of myself and use them to choose a life. I reflected on things I was willing to do, and some that I decided I did not want for my future. Overall, I also thought about our society and the things it needs to grow to be a stronger and safer one. I concluded that we, ourselves, are nothing compared to the world and our only job is to protect and admire the beauty we have both natural and social.
In conclusion, this career project helped me to reflect on what matters. Now, I know that even if I don’t follow this career, I want to do something that would allow me to make this world a better place. Without this project it has taken me a longer time to discover this wish in me, so I’m thankful for it.

Core Competencies

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. As I created the power point I was careful to make it easy to follow and understandable. I researched my topic of interest and tried to make it engaging for the rest as well.
I can tell what is important to me and I can explain my values. During this project, it was elemental to identify one’s values and use them to chose a career I would enjoy. Since everyone is different it makes sense not everyone chose the same career and I’m aware of what I value.
I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. On the other hand, I also supported multiple of my classmates with their projects. I clarified some of their questions and also gave them feedback on what the best ways of presenting the information would be.
I can reflect on my thinking. This ed-blog is proof that I can reflect on my learning and thinking and provide specific examples to prove this. Reflecting on the things learned is important because in the long run is going to be the things you would remember the most.

Creative Writing 10

Core Competency Self-Assessment.

I make an effort to include missing voices/ perspectives by exploring and exposing different perspectives in my class discussions. In class, we explored topics that are often overlooked or pushed aside, such as disability, LGBTIQQ communities, races, discrimination, climate change, politics, substance use, and global reality. As we dive into these complex topics, we maintain an open mind, sharing and holding a discussion circle where everyone is heard and respected. We listen to each other and read new papers from different perspectives or neutral territory. During these moments I participated and built on what my classmates said. When I disagreed, I asked politely for my classmates to provide more insight for me to better comprehend where they were coming from. I’m proud of our class’s ability to abord controversial topics with, mostly, an open mind.

My cultural background/ upbringing contributes to who I am as a writer. I generally describe emotions or base my stories on topics or values I shared or felt strongly about. I notice, that if I write about things that I felt or happened to me, I’m more likely to do a better job. I can get inside the skin of that person with more success, adding descriptions that help the character grow. There’s no person we know better than ourselves, so I used this to my advantage. I recognized where I was coming from, and my background and tried to reduce it into small paragraphs in my writing.

CPR Reflection

My learning of CPR

“Cpr.” Bing, news%2Fnews blog%2F2021%2Fapril%2Fcpr.ashx%3Fla%3Den& Accessed 9 Dec. 2024.

CPR Reflection

During this unit, I learned some key facts about saving someone’s life. One of the main things I learned, was how much effort it takes. I was only doing two minutes of CPR and I could already feel myself getting tired and sweaty. To be successful at the performance of this act, it is necessary to keep a quick, even pace, pushing hard and constantly. However, the chances of saving someone’s life without an AED are low. So, it’s important to always call for help, you may not have an AED but someone else can look for it. Keeping a healthy life is the best way to prevent heart attacks. Eating a variety of foods, doing exercises, and keeping your mental health steady, lower dramatically your risk of suffering this. In the last unit we learned about nutrition and all the facts can be applied here for a better life.

Core Competencies

In this unit, I am proud that I accomplished the mastering of the art of CPR, by practicing every day and paying attention to class. When we started the unit, I only knew so much about CPR. These 5 days of intense studying allowed me to improve and develop my skills to save someone’s life. 

One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is by helping if someone is struggling for their life. I’m used to being at remote locations either because I’m hiking or running. This will allow me to be prepared if the worst may happen, I can step in when nobody else is there to help.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I introduce myself and take leadership. Usually when we have to work in a group, we don’t know each other very well, it can be awkward. However, if everyone is willing to make the best out of it, the only thing we need is an icebreaker. I usually take that role and try to include everyone in the work that needs to be done.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I can work with others to achieve a goal. During the lab, I collaborate with my partner. We trusted each other to take measurements, clean, pick up equipment, etc. I chose this image to represent this because in the picture it represents how important it is for everyone, or everything, to do their job correctly. If the clamp was unstable the whole experiment could go to waste. But, because everything was placed in the desired position, the experiment went smoothly. So did our group’s job. We both did our part to complete the task successfully.

 “Food Truck Menu Brochure Reflection”

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. when creating the brochure, I had to research the information, process it, and put it on an attractive, organized, and eye-catching brochure.
I understand how my values shape my choices. When thinking of a theme for my food truck, I decided to use my own country’s favorite foods. I understand that my identity shapes many of my choices, and it makes my work identic. I value my background, and I am proud of being who I am.
I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. I would be lying if I said that making this brochure had no challenges. I had to restart many times, and I kept running into problems. In the end, I persevered and completed the brochure. I’m proud of the result.

INS Presentation Self-Reflection

What went well? I think my PowerPoint slide had a good balance between text and images. This made it interesting and easy to follow.
What could you have done better? I think I have a lot of space to improve my performing skills. I stopped many times, and my questions and statements were confusing.
What will you do differently next time? Next time I would practice more saying my lines. this will help me be more comfortable when standing in front of the class, and hopefully, it will help me to deliver my speech more understandably and naturally.
How did you demonstrate the curricular competencies in either putting together or presenting your novel?
Core competency: I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. when putting together the PowerPoint, I think I did a good job at making it clear and easy to understand. Being able to represent my learning in a way where everyone can understand it represents my understanding of the topic too.

“Carnival Table, Flyer, and Paragraph Reflection”

First core competency: I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. When constructing the table with the prices and the items, there were plenty of times, when I tried something, and didn’t like it, or discovered other ways to make it better. I used my mistakes and failures to improve what I was working on.
Second core competency: I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. When making the flyer I tried to use different apps, that could be useful to me. I looked for the best, one that would help me the most. I considered each other’s benefits and chose the one that was more appropriate for my task.
Third core competency: I think about what I am going to convey and to whom I will convey it. When creating the flyer and the table, I had to remember it needed to look colorful, attractive, and festival, because it was about a carnival. I reflected on the purpose of these two and made them look eye-catching, so they could promote the carnival.

Critical and Reflective Thinking

By Maia Tejedor Brisson.

During this course, I learned multiple useful strategies and new concepts, that would help me through my journey in the mathematical world. I would focus on the ladder method. This was the first time I was introduced to such a thing, and I found it very handy when looking for the LCM, of two or more numbers. The ladder method consists of the following. You put all the numbers that you are looking for their LCM, on one side. then you divide each by the larger common factor (you may have to repeat this step many times). Secondly, you would multiply all the factors you divided the number by, with the last two digits that can’t be reduced to anything simpler than they already are. The result of those will be the LCM, of the numbers you were looking for.

Regarding my unit test, I feel confident. I think I was able to fully show what I know. I may have made some small mistakes, but in general, I know how to proceed with each situation. On the other hand, I have been doing my homework, participating in class, and asking questions when needed, so I can say, I’m comfortable with the topic discussed during this unit.

Introduction to Academic Language – Final Reflection.

Core Competency: Communication.

I can ask and answer questions. During my classes, through the semester, I was able to ask and answer questions that each new topic give. I always raised my hand, sharing my thoughts and ideas. However, I also asked questions about things I didn’t understand. In conclusion, I feel very proud of my participation in class discussions.