My learning of CPR

“Cpr.” Bing, news%2Fnews blog%2F2021%2Fapril%2Fcpr.ashx%3Fla%3Den& Accessed 9 Dec. 2024.
CPR Reflection
During this unit, I learned some key facts about saving someone’s life. One of the main things I learned, was how much effort it takes. I was only doing two minutes of CPR and I could already feel myself getting tired and sweaty. To be successful at the performance of this act, it is necessary to keep a quick, even pace, pushing hard and constantly. However, the chances of saving someone’s life without an AED are low. So, it’s important to always call for help, you may not have an AED but someone else can look for it. Keeping a healthy life is the best way to prevent heart attacks. Eating a variety of foods, doing exercises, and keeping your mental health steady, lower dramatically your risk of suffering this. In the last unit we learned about nutrition and all the facts can be applied here for a better life.
Core Competencies
In this unit, I am proud that I accomplished the mastering of the art of CPR, by practicing every day and paying attention to class. When we started the unit, I only knew so much about CPR. These 5 days of intense studying allowed me to improve and develop my skills to save someone’s life.
One of the ways I can see using this learning to help others is by helping if someone is struggling for their life. I’m used to being at remote locations either because I’m hiking or running. This will allow me to be prepared if the worst may happen, I can step in when nobody else is there to help.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I introduce myself and take leadership. Usually when we have to work in a group, we don’t know each other very well, it can be awkward. However, if everyone is willing to make the best out of it, the only thing we need is an icebreaker. I usually take that role and try to include everyone in the work that needs to be done.