INS Presentation Self-Reflection

What went well? I think my PowerPoint slide had a good balance between text and images. This made it interesting and easy to follow.
What could you have done better? I think I have a lot of space to improve my performing skills. I stopped many times, and my questions and statements were confusing.
What will you do differently next time? Next time I would practice more saying my lines. this will help me be more comfortable when standing in front of the class, and hopefully, it will help me to deliver my speech more understandably and naturally.
How did you demonstrate the curricular competencies in either putting together or presenting your novel?
Core competency: I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way. when putting together the PowerPoint, I think I did a good job at making it clear and easy to understand. Being able to represent my learning in a way where everyone can understand it represents my understanding of the topic too.