Reflecting on my first year

My grade 9 year

some quotes that describe my year are, you’ve been sicker than a dog, come in at flex and do you speak English(i do). this year i enjoyed metal/ wood working 9. My strengths are working with metal at metal/woodworking 9. This year I realized that I work best when I enjoy what am working on.

My favorite website

ZoteroBib: Fast, free bibliography generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard citations (

is my favorite website because this website did help me cite my sources and it’s easier to use than past ones that I’ve used to cite my sources. This website was one of the only websites that I use frequently.

My favorite video

I chose this video because it is the only video that is school related. this video teaches about mitosis which helped me get a better understanding of what mitosis is.

my favorite image

It is the only picture i got it that is school related. This picture was a science experiment which was the egg drop experiment.

My favorite quote

If you don’t believe in yourself then who will believe in you, Asano ken. its the only shcool related quote because a teacher said that. This quote relates to me because I don’t really believe in myself.

works cited

ZoteroBib: Fast, Free Bibliography Generator – MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard Citations. Accessed 30 May 2023.

Mitosis: The Amazing Cell Process That Uses Division to Multiply! (Updated)., Accessed 6 June 2023.

ADL finance project

Yr 1 80 000 x 1.042 = 83360 

Yr 2: 83360 x 1.042=86861.12  

Yr 3: 86861.12 x 1.042=90509.28704 


30 000 after 3 years 

30 000 + 90509.28704= 120509.28704 

Total; 120 509.28704 

Strengths and Weaknesses

strength of investing in GIC is that it is a guaranteed to get your money back, it has a low risk of losing money.


The money you invested in the GIC for 3 years your money is inaccessible for the entirety of the 3-year

  1. my group didn’t communicate much. it was even harder because no one would ask me a question

2. i would of write something if they asked me a question, since no one talked we had to like work on our own

3. no because we didn’t talk.

4. 1

Core Competency

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include…

I am so curious about investing that I am excited to learn more about how I could use it in the future to make better choices.

Positive Learner Identity 

I feel like asking(writing) questions is a strength for me because I do it consistently. I don’t have a picture of it but an example I would use for when I did it was today, Jan 18 when I asked my teacher when I hand in an assignment which also reminded my teacher to give me the overdue test. it helped me hand in a assignment and do an overdue test.

Core Competencies

My strength helped me have a better understanding for things I had a question on. my strength could help me grow in confidence.