Life Saving Measures

The three takeaways out of these two classes:

1.) Not to panic and leave the person helpless

2.) Learning how dangerous overdosing is and how to use the naloxone kit works. How to use it when someone is in danger, and the precautions to look out for when using it. Example(dangers around the person)

3.) When to use the AED and the pulses behind it. If the person doesn’t have a pulse you should use it. Where to place the pads and how the shock works with the machine.

Learning these things are super important due to the amount of overdoses and other problematic things that go on in our city. To know these things are important because it’s a real life situation that you can come across in your life.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competencies

I can analyze and make judgements based on my learning. I did this by paying attention to both presentations and making judgements when something is given in front of me as information

Marko Andjelic


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