Where I’m From Essay

My Paper

The Writing Process

During the writing of this interview essay I learnt a lot of things. My families history, my dads history and the important messages my dad made me realize. The interview wasn’t as long as I thought because most of the questions answered other questions. Added to this I also knew most of my dads story just not the specifc details in where he helped. Referring to the outline helped a lot because once I made that the structure of the essay got easier. The essay shifted away from the outline at the end because, I think that I needed more information on the history behind my dads imigration instead of the facts when he arrived here in Canada. During the finalization of the essay I made major changes including the way I structured the entire essay. It came to be that a lot of the essay I was using myself as examples when it was a interview essay about my dad.

Core Competency Reflection

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is I noticed my work was self centered and it wasnt following the correct critera so, I revamped the essay.

The ways I communicate at school differs from how I communicate at home due to professionalism. At school and work you have to be professional and formal towards your co workers and teachers.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I usually go outside or go for a run. At school when running isn’t accessable. I go get water or for a walk in the hallway.

Evidence that I can acquire information about complex and specialized topics from various sources, synthesize it, and present it with thoughtful analysis can be found in my essay. During the creation of the essay I had to analyze the answers of the questions I asked and also read in between the lines while making educated guesses.

My goal: “I respectfully advocate for my needs by…” I feel like when I get into my school work my wellbeing dosent matter as much. In the future I would like to care more about myself while also putting a effort into my education


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