My Parabola: 𝑦=1/2(𝑥+1)^2−4


In each parabola there are five varibles X, Y, a, h and k. Each of them represent something different. The X and Y values show which point on the graph the parabola runs through. The h and k represent the vertex. The h value also is the axis of symmetry and the k value shows you what kind of vertical shift the parabola will have. The h value on my parabola is +1 meaning my axis of symmetry will be x=-1 (reverse k value) The variable a shows which way the parabola opens, my a = 1/2 so, it opens up. If it was -1/2 it would open down. The difference between my parabola and y=x^2 is the h value. It is lower on the Y axis then it is on the standard graph.

Self Assessment

#1.) I represented the h value also known as the Axis of Symmetry in three different ways by graphing it on desmos, describing how it is used in my explanation and I explanied the difference between my parabola and the standard graph.

#2.) I used mathematical vocabulary throughout my explanation of the k value and using words like “parabola” and “vertical shift”

#3.) I used formatting by making the key components bold. The specific math terms and variables I used to explain the parabola are bolded to show the significance and to make it more clear for the reader.