Econ 12 Self Assesment

Question: “How do you come up with ideas when you want to make something new at school or at home? Tell me about a time when you felt really good about a new idea you hadin class?”

During the stock market project, I used critical thinking and creative thinking in many ways. First, I had to set a goal. I made sure I understood the assignment’s goals before even starting the project. I carefully read the project specifications and realized what the objective was, and it was simple from here. Understanding everything is a key point to being successful when doing anything, even this project. This way by making an outline in my head I can easily go through the project without any issues. When doing this project, I mostly used to analyze and critique and question and investigate, to get to the final point. To come up with ideas is one thing to make something out of them is another thing. To get new ideas in class I mostly block out everything and everyone and focus as much as I can.