My Model Town

Name of town: Millergrove

Company Name: Miller inc

Resources Available: Brick, Wood, Metal, Mill, Copper, and Crops

Elements of the town: Factories, Farmland, Paths, Houses

Population: 1468

Creating A Model Factory Town

About: Millergrove was created by the Miller brothers in 1864. It is a small town that is slowly expanding and more people and moving to it. It is located in Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania. There is a mayor named Gideon who is very disrespectful and racist. Many different technology’s were used including revolutionized factories, water mills, steam engines, dynamite and many other revolutionary inventions. This was a mining town.

Media Fluency Reflection

How was the ease of access in building the town, and what software did you use specifically?

There were some challenges into building our Fortnite town. Some blocks/materials wouldn’t place and it would be hard to navigate through the buildings. We ran into the problem that we cant take any pictures where you can see the entire town just a small part of it.

B. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?

The beginning was hard because we didn’t have an idea what to build and we were lost. Both of us haven’t played this game in a while so we forgot how to navigate through the game but we caught on pretty quick.

C. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” town?

We used two sources. Lyddie and the film we watched in class Harriet. We mixed both of the towns to create one that resembled both of them. We also searched up pictures on how towns looked like back then and we used those as well.

D. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Explain.

If we had started the project earlier I would have chose Minecraft, but that would take a long time to perfect it. With Minecraft I feel like we could go into detail more and make a bigger and better town.

My Bio

Hi, my name is Marko, I’m fourteen and this is all about me.  I play multiple sports which are soccer, basketball and during the wintertime I love heading up to any mountain to ski. My favorite sport is soccer because my dad influenced me since I was very young.  I have improved so much in the past year which will help me achieve my goals to get on higher level teams.  

Recently I have started skateboarding; I would say I have progressed very well in the past few months. It’s a fun hobby and I enjoy it very much. My favorite part about skateboarding is going out with my friends late at night and feeling the wind running through your hair. It such a great feeling.   

Music plays a giant role in my life. Every time I do something that I feel like music is needed I pull out my phone and put my headphones out. While writing this I was listening to music even when it comes to small things like doing the dishes, I put my playlist on. Music is a big part in my life. 

My Favorite Link

This is my favorite website because this is my favorite music artist.

My Favorite Video

My Favorite Picture

My Favorite Quote

My favorite quote right now is “name one genius that ain’t crazy” Kanye West said this on the Feedback.


I can’t add the YouTube link because it just converts into the video.