Career Project

Career Life Project Presentation

Curricular Reflection

“describe career-life goals, personal growth and initial planning for preferred career-life pathway.”

From the start of this course, I was very clear that I wanted to go into trades. Then we were assigned a project about choosing a career, so after some research I knew I wanted to choose an electrician. I understood that I needed to take at least Math 11 and Physics 12. Although I am still interested in going away to USA for lacrosse, and I would be hoping to Business and adventially to open my own construction business, but I understand that might not be possible. I would also like to join the Jr firefighters program and that career option has interested me as well.

Core Competency Reflection

I can understand and share information about a topic of interest in a clear, organized way.

I chose this one because I spent a lot time working on the layout and making sure I didn’t use to much words per slide on my powerpoint.

I inquire into and present on topics of interest and topics related to my studies.

I spent time researching the job electrisation and I presented it to the class, even though I was nervous.

I am kind to others, and support others when they need it.

When my friends and other people who I could tell were less confident than others I would listen and I wouldn’t make to much eye contact. I find that if a room full of people are looking at me I get a lot more nervous than normal.

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others.

I asked my mentor questions and I would expand off of what they were saying and make it sound a bit more “professional”.


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