Some words that describe my year are free, independent, and grind. I chose the word free because I feel like I have a lot more freedom in high school and freedom is something I value. I chose the word independent because in my first year of high school I felt I had way more independence than I had in middle school. I am able to independently choose my own electives that interest me unlike middle school where you are in scheduled classes with the same people all day. My day usually was full of going to my own activities so I would have to grind at night or get up early in the morning to study and do homework. I am continuing to learn how to get ahead of my studies. In conclusion, my first year in high school felt like I had freedom and independence to make my own decisions which I feel is helping me mature and be prepared for grade 10.
My Useful Educational Website
I chose my calendar because throughout the year my calendar has kept me very organized with my schoolwork and my lacrosse. If I did not have my calendar I wouldn’t be able to remember what time my lacrosse and school assignments and tests were. My calendar has helped my family as well because it not only has my activities but it has my families as well. In conclusion, my calendar makes my life way easier because it is a structure for my day.
My Useful Educational Video I chose this video because it helped me so much in science by explaining covalent compounds and ionic compounds. This was a part in science that I could not remember so watching this video helped my learning and made it more clear.
My Useful Educational Image

I chose this image because it helped me during science when I could not visually remember what each of the cells looked like in the cell cycle. This image also provided clear and useful facts on each event of the cell cycle. This information was the stuff exactly on my test.
My Inspirational Quote
“I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.” – Michael Jordan
I chose this quote because it reminds me that I should always work hard because what I want the result to be is dictated by how hard I work. This quote relates to my schoolwork because if I don’t work hard and be sloppy with my work then the results will not be how I would want them to be. I have learned I need to keep by work neat and organized in order to be successful.
Work Cited
“Cell Cycle Diagram for 8th Grade.” Pinterest, Accessed 28 May 2024.
Google Calendar – Sign in to Access & Edit Your Schedule. Accessed 28 May 2024.
MooMooMath and Science. Covalent Compounds VS Ionic Compounds. 2023. YouTube,
Michael Jordan Quote: “I’ve Always Believed That If You Put in the Work, the Results Will Come.” Accessed 28 May 2024.