A Spanish Speaking Story

The Name Of Your Country

International Fair at School Bolivia Project | World thinking day, School  projects, Projects for kids
https://www.google.com/search?q=bolivia+poster+project&rlz=1C1GCEB_enCA1011CA1011&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjGuf_h9Mb4AhWED0QIHZzACkoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1366&bih=657&dpr=1#imgrc=WW3-cC-OgWkI-M (this is a picture from online because I cant upload my own)

Comparison to your home country

I learned that bolivia is well known for there love for soccer, for traditions they mostly celebrate everything Canada does and more such as, they have decolonization day on October 12th. some tourist land marks are, la Paz  One of the essential places to visit in Bolivia, and Sucre the old capital of Bolivia which is known for there food, museums, there cultural activities and many more. Bolivia is known for there popular art museums in Sucre. if i had the oppurtunity to go to Bolivia i would go, the reason i would go would be for the food, cultural activties, food there museums, tourist attractions.

Core Competency Reflection

i can explain when something is unfair and advocate for others…when my friends are to scared to advocate for themselves then i help them talk to the teacher or her/his peers to help them get past this roadblock.

i can identify my strengths and identify my potential… some of my strengths are helping my peers and asking for help when i need it. my potential growth would be trying harder studying or listening in class when its needed.

i can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. i take pride in my work and myself.. when i do good on and assignment or a test i take pride in my work to help boost my confidence and drive to keep working hard.

i can identify and describe my qualities, i know where i have room for growth and when im good at something

one goal i have for next year is to study more and try a little harder in class and stay focused as much as possible.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


Spirit of Renewal - Limited Edition Print

Communication CC

I chose this assignment for my edublog because
I can ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener when i need help or don’t understand something. My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… asking my peers for help and if I still don’t understand, then I can go to my teacher. In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…communicating to my peers for help, and going on the rubric/criteria. I chose the scale factor art work for my artifact because at first I was having a lot of trouble figuring out how to do the project so I asked my friend and teacher for help and I understood how to do it after

Advertisement and persuasion

My advertisement

I chose to advertise blazers because i have my own pair and i really like them they are comfortable, can workout in them, dress them casual or sporty. the persuasion technique we used is ethical because the ad is trying to convince you to buy the shoes.

core competency

I can work with others to achieve my a goal.

(I worked well with Gabriella to complete our persuasion project)

i recognize different point of view and can disagree respectfully.

(me and Gabriella both thought of ideas and came to a compromised)

i ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.

( I listened to Gabriella’s ideas and took them into consideration, worked together to come up with the best idea)

i encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives.

( i encouraged Gabriella to share her ideas)

About Me

hi my name is Miah and here are some things you should know about me. My interest are sports, soccer, animals, friends and family. some words to describe me are enthusiastic, athletic, goofy. My biggest goal in life is to go to the university of Hawaii on a full ride to play soccer. some goals I have for this school year are, to hand my homework in on time as much as possible, meet new friends, and be focused and working as best as possible in my classes. my biggest strength is communicating with my teacher when I do not understand something, or need a break etc. my biggest stretch is meeting new people, I tend to be very shy but, hopefully I can get better over the year. that’s pretty much all you need to know about me for now!


See the source image


one of my favorite websites is: Soccer Teams, Scores, Stats, News, Fixtures, Results, Tables – ESPN

I like this one because i came watch soccer and try to improve my skills



I like this video because it makes me laugh


you cant score if you don’t take a shot.

john cruijff



