Core competency Self-assignment

Critical and reflective thinking

Having the threat of severe consequences from heavier sanctions, including the death penalty or lengthier prison terms, can stop potential criminals from committing crimes. Protection of Society: By rendering dangerous people incapable of harming others while they are incarcerated, a punitive system may be considered as a means of safeguarding society. Justice for Victims: Some think that severe penalties might bring victims and their families a feeling of closure and justice since they make the perpetrator feel as though they are getting a fair punishment for their crimes.


inductive/reasoning in popular games

I played mastermind, the objection of the game is to get four circles that are the right color in the right slot you have ten chances to get the order right or you lose the game. each time you go to check it tells you if you got one right but doesn’t tell you which one, so you have to get creative and sort through all the different pattern options.

at the start I didn’t really have a strategy I kind of just played around in with the colors and then each row I just built off my answers from before.

I think it is both its inductive because your kind if need to have a good example in Oder to know what you’re doing. its deductive because you need to have knowledge on the game before you can actually get into it and understand the game.

stock market: self assessment

curricular response

stocks give you a partial share of a corporation and bonds are a loan from you to the government

stocks have better returns than bonds


stocks comes with a long term return rate compared to bonds but comes with a higher risk rate.

Do not put all your money in one place, moniter your investments frequently


a combination of bonds, and stocks that help you manage risk and reduce return.

it helps keep peoples risk level in check and lower risk.

Core competency assessment

i got help from my parents, class notebook, and online websites.

now that i am a little more educated with investing has become more approachable and i feel more educated than i was before.

something i learned is to save your money early so it will be more in the future and invest your money responsibly .

core competency self – assesment


for my artifcat i chose was the thermal energy lab i chose this beacause this was one of the labs/assignments i enjoyed the most. a core competency i would use is, i can give, and recieve feedback to achieve my goals. i was able to succsefully complete this core competency because i felt i was able to contribute my ideas to the lab and i think i aslo did a really good job in making sure everyoen was included and contributing to the group.

Family Project

core competency assessment

I can tell what’s important to me and i can explain my values: my family is very important to me i value you them a lot in my life. Its important to me to describe my values in life.

I can identify and describe my qualities: the qualities that I have are from my parents because they are my role models. I can vocalize my qualities I able to show, and express them.

I can show sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself: I take accomplishment and joy in my family project. Im joyed that I got to do a project involving my family

I work with others to achieve a goal: when I am having trouble understanding something I can ask my peers for help. i am able to advocate for myself when I need help.

My goal

my goal for spanish next year is to stay focused more and take in what the teacher is teaching so i dont have to ask my peers for help.

another goal i have is to be more prepared for my test such as, studyin more, taking notes down etc.

Photography 10


I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself. The assignment I chose for my edublog was the story in three frames. I take pride in this assignment because, I was able to accomplish three good pictures that mean something to me. When taking one of the motions it took lots of patients and many attempts that we were able to master after many attempts.  overjoyed that me and Diana’s work was chosen to be put on the door outside of the photography class.

Meal planning assignment


both parent A and parent B get home really late so by the time the parents get home from work the kids are probably really hungry and have already been waiting a long time.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday
recipeHomemade pepperoni pizza  
4 stars  
25 minutes  
-10 mins prep -15 mins cook 
Macaroni and cheese 
4.50 stars 
55 minutes 
15 min prep 
40 min cook 
Walking tacos  
4.58 stars 
25 minutes  
-10 mins prep  
-15 mins cook   
pan roasted steak dinner 
4.5 stars 
1h 5minutes  
Steak fried rice 
25 minutes  
-10 mins prep  
-15 mins cook 
portion of recipe 8 servings 6 servings 8 servings 4 doubling the recipe (8)

4 servings
dinner time 6:30
start cooking at 6:00
6:25 start cooking at 5:30 6:30
start cooking at 6:10
start cooking at 4:15
start cooking at 6:00


On Monday, parent B will cook homemade pepperoni pizza, I think this is a good choice because its easy to make and can be good to put in teen 1 and 2’s lunches

on Tuesday, parent A will cook macaroni and cheese, I think this is good thing to make because its also super easy to make and its simple and fills you up!

On Wednesday teen 2 will be cooking walking tacos, I think this is good choice because its easy to make and Its super fun and yummy dish!

on Thursday teen 1 will be cooking pan roasted steak dinner, I chose this because its a good source of protein and its a yummy meal, I also decided to double the recipe and use the left overs to make a stir fry for dinner tomorrow.

On Friday teen 1 will be cooking a stir fry with the left overs from Thursdays meal. I think this is a good choice because its super quick and easy to make and super yummy.



Kelsey: Homemade Pepperoni Pizza Recipe ( 





We all communicated through teams on what meal we want to make, what day we want to make it on, any technology problems we are having etc.

I think technology can in handy with our group because we are not able to communicate face to face so we would would all contribute our ideas and problems on teams, our technology also came in handy when we were researching new recipes and to make our word document. at times there were a couple little technology problems such as, wifi problems, and a lot of my ed problems.

on teams we all decided what days we wanted to do and what recipes we wanted and seeing if there was enough to make it and see what family member would make the meal.

you can see me contributing in the teams chat and Thursday and Fridays meal.\

Self Assessment: Collaboration & Critical Thinking

collaboration prompts

if my group is not being productive we can, take a 5 minute break and get some water or go on our phones and come back and hopefully be more productive.

when I have to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well I like to get to know them a little bit for example, ask them there names and ask them about themselves.

Critical Thinking Prompts

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work. I used this when I was making my edublog because without my criteria I would have no clue what to do.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this when we had to decided what family member was going to cook on what day.